A stained glass window in the church of Our Lady of Mercy

With the aim of continuing to enlarge the devotional and patrimonial heritage that the Confraternity of Sant Jordi guards and administers on behalf of all the people of Béberné, sent President Germán Ribera Domenech, decides to make a stained glass window with the Image of Sant Jordi taking advantage of the window that tops the main facade of the parish temple of Our Lady of Mercy, which falls on the Plaça Major de Banyeres de Mariola.

Ended the long months of study, design and economic evaluations of the project, the Brotherhood decides that the stained glass will follow the classic style of the iconography of Saint George on horseback fighting the dragon, and that the most interesting proposal once all the designs and budgets were evaluated was that of the company Vidriarte, S. L. – Crystal and Glass Crafts, from the neighboring town of Villena. Proposal in which several stained glass manufacturing techniques are combined, combining the lead technique and decorated glasses, resulting in a magnificent artistic ensemble, full of shades of color and textures. Plus the stained glass window, it will be protected on the outside by armored glass, to gain security and durability over the coming years.

The 23 d'April 1985 once the Major Mass of Sant Jordi was finished, the Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, His Excellency, proceeded to bless. i Most Reverend Sir. D. José Vilaplana Blasco, who had presided over the celebration, and inaugurated by the Lord Mayor of our town D. Alberto Molina and by the President of the Brotherhood D. Germán RiberaDoménech, the Sant Jordi stained glass window that will preside from this date on the main facade of the Parish Church of Our Lady of Misericordia in Banyeres de Mariola, that had been placed on the day 13 of the same month.