Saint George “the old man” de Mariola (any 1802)

(Anonymous) Photo: Javier Puig Miró, 2012. Publicada al Programa de Festes de Sant Jordi de 2013 de Mariola

Replica of the early nineteenth century image of St. George venerated in Bañeres, family owned Albero Bodí, our people, and the bath Francisco Mora Berenguer described in the fourteenth chapter of his book “Bañeres and San Jorge”:

“(…) San Jorge el vellet, el cual está en pie, He carries a spear in his right hand and a shield in his left, on his chest the red cross and girdle band. This picture, if we have tradition as our guide, was before building the new church, in the hermitage of his name, llamada el Conjurador porque allí acu¬de un sacerdote, whenever storm appears, a conjurar la tempestad y a pedir la protección de San Jorge mientras en la Parroquial se voltea la campana que lleva su nombre para que ahuyente también las negras nubes, not being able to say that Saint George has neglected his prayers whenever the neighbors have invoked him in these troubles, implorado su asistencia y pe¬dido su favor.“

Besides, la tradició oral ens conta que l’antiga imatge estava realitzada en metall, no estant molt clar si bronze o ferro.

Esta imatge està realitzada amb materials més lleugers, com són la fusta de xiprer i l´estuc policromat.