Chronicle of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi – Party Program 2020


Chronicle of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi – Party Program 2020

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The outgoing Board of the Brotherhood of St. George takes advantage of these lines to say goodbye and summarize what has been done and has happened in the last year.

In January of 2019, and almost as a tradition, we organized the 5th edition of the Humor Nights where members of the Brotherhood et al·laboratories offer the public musical performances, monologues, sketches, sainets, etc. I want to take this opportunity to thank all the cabbages·workers and members of the Brotherhood the effort and time they spend preparing this activity that emerged as an extra income to cover the costs of the rehabilitation of the cruise of Sant Jordi and currently complement the low income of cardboard collections.

The 10 in March the General Assembly of the Brotherhood was convened where the statement of accounts was reported, of the actions carried out and to be carried out, as well as the current number of confraternities.

The festivities were already very intense when the evening of Gloria Sunday coincided with the transfer of Sant Jordi and it was only necessary to add a storm of heavy rain to complicate a little plus things. We had the responsibility and the obligation to make the transfer of our Patron adapting to the circumstances of the moment. Because the forecast was that it would rain more intensely in the afternoon, we considered alone·bid on the platforms for the transfer of Sant Jordiet from the Student Row to make the image more comfortable and at the same time prevent our Patron's platforms from bathing, which we left at the entrance of the church because, once the image of Saint George was inside the parish church, this would be put on its feet and make the entrance as solemn as possible. The image was covered with a clear plastic crystal effect and arrived without bathing in the church. There were three reasons why the transfer would take place on the day 21 a les 19h, as scheduled. The first, to avoid setting the precedent of what when it rains, the image of St. George is not taken to church. The second was thinking of the captains, since if the festivities began without the transfer being made, without knowing if the offering and the entrance would be made, that way we wouldn’t start the holidays very well. The last and third, not knowing when it would stop raining with a calendar full of party events where it is not easy to find a hole to make an "express" transfer. These reasons weighed in to start the festivities by bringing our Patron to church, because the captains participated in the transfer, because at the time of the offering St. George was as always on the altar and to be able to start the festivities with a certain normality. It was exciting to see Christians waiting for St. George at the gates of the hermitage park to take him to the church and it was also touching to see the captains, presidents of the filaes, authorities and many people from the village who were on the street to accompany St. George on a historic day due to weather conditions. Our thanks to all, especially in the ranks of Christians who always accompany our Patron.

In a meeting convened by the Chairman of the Festival Committee, and in the face of weather forecasts, it was agreed by majority to suspend the offering and entry. We informed that we would be at the time of the offering in the church because the festeros and captains brought the bouquets of flowers to Sant Jordi. At midday, in the presence of the captains, bandereres, presidents, sergeants, authorities and people in general, the Angelus prayed inside the church. As it stopped raining and in a new meeting it was agreed to make the entrance, the party world was quickly set in motion and the entrance was made in the afternoon.

St. George's Day, The preacher will be the Reverend Mr.. D. Segui Juan Melchor Sarrio, Episcopal Vicar of the VI Vicarage of Xàtiva-Alcoi-Ontinyent. In the afternoon, again made an appearance the rain delaying a little the Volteta of the children and the Procession, which, once started, it passed and ended normally.

The 15 June 2019, the grandchildren of D. Gregorio Molina donated the remaining three chasubles to the Parish, blanca, purple and green, as well as the corresponding ornaments that along with the red chasuble, which was given on 8 December 2016 by Dª Pilar Molina, they form the set of the four liturgical times, all with the image of Saint George embroidered. The act of donation was signed at the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Sta. Lucia and St. George, being the two Brotherhoods guarantors of this donation. Thank you very much for this act of generosity with our people.

In July we participated in the fair of La Malena selling lottery, plants "sword of St. George", keychains, magnets, tapes, rodabalcons… It is about being present at an event that happens to the whole town and where more associations participate.

The feast of the Relic of St. George was celebrated on the day 1 of September being the preacher of the Mass D. Aquilino Martínez Gallego, Canon of the Sta. Metropolitan Church of Valencia. It is also worth noting the changes that took place and that were already being announced in the weekly pages of the Alleluia. It is that the liturgy contemplates only next to the concel·on the altar there are people who do not participate in the celebration. For this reason, members of the Brotherhood Board sat on the benches behind the authorities. These are changes that are made for the good of the liturgy and the feast. Also noteworthy is the cabbage·location of the new canopy that covered the Reliquary during the festivities, for which we thank again the people of the Brotherhood and the companies that have generously col·is working.

The day 3 September, organized by Caritas, the Relic visited the residents of the Center for the Elderly where a Mass was celebrated officiated by D. Ramón Mico. It was exciting to see the il·lusion with which our elders lived this celebration.

As for the church doors located on Carrer de Sant Jordi, it should be noted that when the outer sheet was removed the wood that was in sight was of such low quality that we decided, advised by Francisco Picó, architect who has monitored the rehabilitation of the dome, line them with a special board and put the ornaments that had the same. The 25 of November were disassembled and taken to the carpentry of Jorge Sempere and the 3 of December they were assembled again leaving some very worthy doors for our temple.

This year we celebrate the 75th anniversary of our Script which was blessed on 27 May 1945, after the noon mass, within the acts of the festivities of the street La Creu. This one was supported by the bathtub of the row of Christians D. Gregorio Molina Tree. The 2 September 1945 he left for the first time in the procession of the Relic of St. George, being carried by Micalet “the one of the Bovar”. The script is always carried by a member of the ranks of Christians and by two children who each take the cords that hang on their sides.. From here we want to pay a small and heartfelt tribute to all the people who have worn it during these 75 years, many of them until their physical condition has allowed them to, thus demonstrating great devotion to our Patron. We would also like to thank the current carrier, Vicente French French, the continuation of this tradition.

The Board of the Brotherhood of St. George celebrates this year the period for which it was elected. There are three years of work left for the party and to enlarge, more if necessary, the figure of our Patron. It has been a great challenge to carry forward this much-loved institution , valued and respected in our people. We have organized religious events these years, musical days, humor nights, collected from cardboard… In a very special way it is necessary to highlight the group of people who have been part of the Board for their involvement, enthusiasm and good disposition. A group of people from different ranks, of people from the village, of people with different ways of living the party and devotion to St. George, but all united with the same objective in fulfilling the obligations of the Brotherhood. It is also gratifying to see how bonds and friendships that will be for life have emerged. It has been very exciting. Thank you all very much!

We must thank D. Ricardo all these years he has been at the head of our Christian community of Banyeres de Mariola and, com to councils, also thank you for the reflections, tips and good to do. A D. Ramón we wish him to be many years between us and, com to councils, we hope that when we need help we have the reflections and advice that help us. Be welcome, D. Ramón.

In these years there have been very special moments, but I would highlight one that for me, com a president, it has been very special: the day of the Relic when we meet at 7:15h at the headquarters of the Brotherhood with the emotion of having the Relic of St. George in his hands to put in the reliquary. This is a very intimate moment where we act like a little act of adoration and admiration when at the moment the pasodobles of the movement of the target sound, we take the reliquary to the church and continue with the day’s chores.

We leave with the conviction that the Brotherhood is in good hands as the new president, Elena Vilanova Calatayud, and their board will surely do their best for the institution. Congratulations!

We also thank the volunteers and col·workers, to anonymous donors, to companies and businesses their selfless help, to all those who have made it possible to carry out all the acts of the Brotherhood. Thanks also to the Mayor and the Municipal Corporations, to the presidents and members of the Festival Committee, party mayors, mayors of Sant Jordi, presidents of the filaes, captains, music bands, Local Police and Civil Protection who have always been by our side in everything the Brotherhood has needed. As we say here: "Saint George, what is needed ”.

The whole town of Banyeres is also to be thanked for their support, col·collaboration, criticism and understanding in everything we have done. We know that it is very difficult to do things and that everyone likes them, but we always acted with the intention of doing what we considered best.

Nor can we forget the confraternal and non-confraternal people who are no longer among us. During these three years some of us have experienced the loss of parents, of friends, of relatives and children of friends, but we don't think they're gone, they are different between us and this gives us strength to continue with our daily tasks.

By extension, we also wish the work of the Festival Committee and the commissioners, of the presidents of the filaes, serve to improve and enlarge the party. Equally, congratulations to this year’s captains, wishing you to enjoy the festivities in a special way and that Sant Jordi will help you in everything you want now and always, may you be very happy and never forget the luck of being able to live this experience. And to all the partygoers, villagers and visitors, invite them to participate in all events, especially, of the religious.

Happy St. George's Day to all.