Delivery of trophies and diplomas II Drawing Contest Brotherhood of St. George 2022
The 7 May at 18:30 h in the Headquarters of the Brotherhood of St. George, the president presented the diplomas and the wooden reproductions of the image of Sant Jordi. These have inscribed, amb la tècnica del pirogravat, les següents dades: l’edició del concurs de dibuix, el nom del guanyador o guanyadora i el lema escollit per cada u dels xiquets i xiquetes.
PRIMARY CATEGORY – 1r CYCLE: Noa Herrero Cerda.
PRIMARY CATEGORY – 2n CYCLE: Anaís Martínez Ortuño.
SECONDARY CATEGORY: Pablo Navarro Sanchís.
The president personally thanked each contestant for their participation and encouraged them to participate in the next edition..