Alcoy promotes inter-denominational meeting on San Jorge

daily Information – printed edition – C. Serrano

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Alcoy Town Hall, in collaboration with the Association of Saint George, ha organizado un encuentro inter confesional sobre la figura del patrón en el que participarán representantes de las comunidades judía, islamic and christian.

El Ágora de Alcoy acogerá el 30 March at 18 horas una mesa redonda en tomo a la figura de San Jorge. Se trata de un encuentro inter confesional en al que participara el presiden te de la Unión de Comunidades Islámicas de España, Riay Tatary, the president of the Jewish Community in Alicante (CJAC), Armando Azubel, y el di¬rector de Relaciones Inter confesionales de la Conferencia Episcopal Española (CEE), Manuel Barrios, as well as the journalist Pepa Fernández,- quien actuará I como moderadora.

«Es una jornada importante para la ciudad y una iniciativa que nace de Antonio y José Miguel « Piñero en torno a San Jorge, an international figure who is worshiped in many countries and is assumed by other religions», the mayor has explained, Antonio French, who has stressed that "it is a common element of cultures and religions".

These conclusions have been reached by the Piñero brothers during the investigation into the pattern, "the protagonist of the Holidays", As Antonio has pointed out. «Saint George instead of facing, a", ha recalcado el mayor de los Pinero, quien ve el en¬centro como «un acercamiento entre culturas» y que, also, hará que Alcoy y sus Fiestas tengan más relevancia». For his part, the secretary of the Association of Saint George, Juan Enrique Ruiz, ha mostrado su agradecimiento a Antonio y losé Miguel «por situar la Fiesta en el lugar que se merece». Both Ruiz and the Councilor for Festivals and Culture, Raul Llopis, They are convinced that it will be "a complete success". With everything, Antonio Pinero ha indicado que «con las conclusiones del encuentro y de la investigación nos da para nacer un libro cuyo título seria “The heart of Saint George”», just as he concluded by assuring that "behind the myth and legend there is a man who is really cool".