Suspension of the Moors and Christians festivities in honor of Sant Jordi 2021 – 20/02/2021
On Saturday 20 February 2021 the Ordinary Meeting of the Sant Jordi Festival Commission was held by videoconference, with the intention of assessing the situation of the festivities of Moors and Christians of Sant Jordi 2021, due to the health situation of the Covid-19.
Once you have heard the views of all the rows, representatives of the Brotherhood of St. George, and bands, as well as the opinions of the captaincies holding the post, and after the statement already made by the UNDEF on the meetings held with the Ministry of Health, the Commission of Celebrations UNANIMOUSLY has decided to suspend the Celebrations of Sant Jordi of 2021.
The captaincies will be maintained for the coming festivities.
However, we would like to inform you that the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi will carry out the celebration of religious acts that can be carried out in compliance with the measures dictated by the health authorities at that specific time.
We always recommend a lot of responsibility, and especially in those days. Celebrations with family and friends who do not comply with private measures should be avoided. We need to take care to be able to celebrate all together when the time comes.
The Sant Jordi Festival Commission and the Sant Jordi Brotherhood want everything to happen, to celebrate again as we have always known how to do, take to the streets and party in capital letters.
Vítol to the Patron Saint George.
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