First Vespers of Saint George the Martyr
This year 2021 and because of the health situation we are living in, the Parish of Our Lady of Mercy and the Brotherhood of St. George to celebrate the 241st arrival of the Relic of St. George, they want to remember the Solemn Vespers that were sung in the church in the middle of the last century after the entrance of Moors and Christians.
The liturgy of the hours in the solemnities of the Saints for being patrons of the parish community, they enjoy owning all the trade that consists of them: First Vespers after five in the afternoon, Reading Offices, Laudes, intermediate hours (Third, friday, i Nona), , Second Vespers and Complete. That's why the bells keep ringing, Laudes announcement (touch of Alba), Angelus at 12 or Ave Maria and in the evening Vespers and Completes (touch of Souls). Even in the popular saying has remained what he says: “Who does not have the eve, he doesn't have the party”.
The Brotherhood of Sant Jordi has published a booklet to follow the service of the Solemn First Vespers and thus be able to participate the parish community. On the cover we find the Image of Saint George, in the guard the plate of the Relic and Reliquary of Sant Jordi Màrtir elaborated by the local artist Manuel Granado, and on the back cover the Ermita de Sant Jordi.