the prerogatives

We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought.. We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought..

We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought., We must not forget the popular custom of asking our Lord God for rain in times of drought.. During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints.. During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints..

During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints.:

. . .
When the storm roars
bell touches your
and the instant the storm
and course plays against.
And with such great devotion
leaves the people admired.
. . .

During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints..

During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., every 3 May, During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., During the journey they recited the fifteen mysteries of the rosary and the complete litanies were sung to all the saints., from the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena and later from that of the Holy Christ, from the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena and later from that of the Holy Christ.

from the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena and later from that of the Holy Christ, from the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena and later from that of the Holy Christ, from the hermitage of Santa María Magdalena and later from that of the Holy Christ.