One of the most characteristic places of worship are lampstands through which the faithful can express their intentions and devotion.
In Bañeres, as a result of safety rules governativament marked for already many years, had removed the possibility of the faithful and devotees of our Patron Saint George could express their intentions to sign a devotional candle to light.
For this reason the Brotherhood believed appropriate instal • lar beside the altar of St. George electric two lampstands with the peculiarity that the same had to follow the regulations for places of worship, which can not be placed Velon lampstands of wax and flame, Being in an enclosed space, the high risk of fires and dirt generated. For that, els lampadaris havien de ser de llum artificial, and if I could be with energy saving mechanisms and knobs.
Thus they acquire basic electric two lampstands, later to prepare a decorative design that will accomplish their integration into the whole artistic heritage of the Altar of St. George and its cruise.
The 12 of November 2011 being President Jorge Enrique Esteban Romero, stood and put into operation in two lampstands 72 sails with the system of "knobs led" one on each side of the altar of St. George. Previously they were lined and decorated with panels, wooden moldings and corbels by brothers Belda White Mariola. And once finished carpentry work, painter and decorator from neighboring Bocairent, José Cerda, els va decorar i daurar seguint les pautes marcades en la decoració del propi Altar.
As a result of the work of cataloging the archives of the Brotherhood, was discovered in the year 1928, year of the foundation of the same, every day 23 each month was a "Prayers for greater honor and glory of St. George", so you have to col • locat lampstands for the intentions of the brothers began the day celebrarse 23 February 2011 a monthly Mass for the intentions of the brotherhood and the own Brotherhood of St. George, funded with part of the revenue that could generate lampstands, as well as make a donation to the parish to cover the costs of electricity derived by being connected to a power permanently.