Brotherhood of St. George

Convening of the 14th General Assembly

  Banyeres de Mariola, 15 February 2022 Convening of the 14th General Assembly, Tinc el gust de convocar-li a l’Assemblea General de Confrares que tindrà lloc al saló de la seu social de la Confraria de Sant Jordi..., 2022

The Board of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Holy Week, at the proposal of its President, ha designat com Pregoner per a la Setmana Santa de 2022 to the permanent deacon, Rodrigo Ferre Bodí., Natural Mariola, was...

Collected cardboard 08/01/2022

  From the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi, we want to thank the residents of our town and also the companies, the amount of cardboard they deposited on the street and that yesterday...

Christmas Market

During the weekend of 11 a.m. 12 December and coinciding with the feast of St. Lucia, we have participated in the Christmas Market setting up a stall with products that we have in the...

Donation and blessing of the showcase 05/12/2021

The evening of the day 15 June 2019 els descendents de d. Gregorio Molina Ribera i doña Magadalena Albero Albero van fer donació pura i simple a títol gratuït a la Parròquia de Nostra Senyora de la Misericòrdia d’un...