Mass for the deceased of the Brotherhood of St. George – Passion Saturday 27/03/2021
Passion Saturday is the eve of Palm Sunday, day on which Easter begins.
The members of the board distributed by the pews of the parish temple, the hymn and the Gojos de Sant Jordi. Ramón Micó had a large bouquet of laurel branches ready, which we distributed among all those attending the Eucharistic celebration.
The first reading, Reading of the Prophet Isaiah 50, 4-7, it was read by Maite Doménech and the responsorial Psalm, Shall 21, 8-9. 17-18a. 19-20. 23- 24, read by M. Dolores Segura and accompanied on the organ by Miquel Payà. The second reading, Reading of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians 2, 6-11, also read by M. Dolores Segura. The Gospel, Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Mark 14, 1-15, 47, was read between En Ramón Micó, Jordi Silvestre and Macarena Albero and finally the prayers M. Elena Vilanova.
At the time of the offer, Miquel Payà performed on the organ the Gojos al nostre Patró and the faithful accompanied him singing them.
At the end of the celebration and facing the altar of St. George, we sang the hymn to our Patron. Rafael "Galiana" brought the censer to Ramon and the latter lit the altar.