Nadal Lottery 2020

On Monday 5 October the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi begins the marketing of participations and lottery tithes for the next Christmas draw of 2020.
The shares, as in previous years, will be priced at 5,00 € and full tenths a 23,00 €.
The sale of stakes and tenths will be carried out by all the local trades which usually col·they work with the Brotherhood, by the members of the Board of Directors and at our registered office.
This year, the image chosen for participation, is an image of Sant Jordi and the dragon and in the background Banyeres de Mariola. La tècnica utilitzada és la del “scorched”. This technique is of medieval origin, typical of Valencian pottery. Image courtesy of Brother M.B.S..
Thank you from here to the shops col·workers, to the advertisers who help us to continue spreading the iconography of our Patron Saint George and to all the people who col·they work unconditionally year after year with the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi buying the shares and tenths.