weather. Sr. Manuel Soler Espí, Abad and Episcopal Vicar of Xativa (23-04-1995)

On the day appointed as the feast of our Patron Saint George Insigne and the blessing of such a magnificent stained glass window dedicated to the Virgin in her title of Mother of Mercy, I want to express, once again, my affectionate gratitude to the Guild of St. George and the Community Bañeres Christian to be present for this celebration and share in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
I have always present in my memory and in my prayers for the many blessings received from this lovely town of Bañeres and every one of his children and neighbors.
That your hopes are ever increasing and all your longings they fulfill in the course of time, increasingly your Christian values ​​and customs.
With great affection, esteem and consideration.
Manuel Soler Espí
Episcopal Vicar and Abad Xativa