The Ilm. D. Victor Camilo Bardisa Bito, episcopal vicar of Rectory IV Moncada-Sagunt, will preside over Sunday's Mass 23 d'April 2023, St. George's Day

D. Víctor Camilo Bardisa Bito was born on 12 May 1964 Alcoy (Alicante). After graduating in Philology from the University of Alicante, entered the Major Seminary of Valencia, where he completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Faculty of Theology San Vicente Ferrer (1987-1993). He was ordained a priest 29 May 1993 Valencia.


He develops his priestly ministry in the diocese of Valencia, where he held the following positions: parish vicar of San Francisco de Asís, in Llíria (1993-1995); Trainer of the Minor Seminary of Valencia (1995-1998); private secretary of His Excellency. i Rvm. Sr. Rafael healthy Abad, Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia (1998-2001); rector of Our Lady of the Angels, of Albal (2001-2014) and San Carlos Borromeo d'Albal (2013-2014). May of 2014 is appointed Episcopal Vicar of Rectory IV (Moncada-Sagunto) since the month of October of this same year, he has been rector of the Parish of San José in Port de Sagunt. He was appointed director of the Convictorio San Francisco de Borja for extradiocesan student priests in September 2017. A year later he takes possession of the Natividad de Nuestra Señora parish (Santa Maria) from Sagunto and from 2022 and, moreover, Parish administrator of Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso and Chaplain of the Servite Nuns of the same city.


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