Christmas greeting 2017 of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi

The Board of Directors of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi congratulates the whole town of Banyeres de Mariola, the Nadal 2017 and we wish them all the best for next year 2018.

This time an image of St. George on horseback fighting the dragon has been used, belonging to the commemorative painting of the XXV Anniversary of the inauguration of the new Maset of the Filà de Moros Vells.

We also inform the Confrares that the new calendar for the year has already been sent to them 2018, which this year has a new sponsor, the local company Plastic Forte.

From here we want to make our public thanks to the company Deformac S. L. For all the years he has sponsored the calendar of the Brotherhood and also in Plastic Forte which now collects the relief. And to the two companies for their invaluable collaboration in the task of continuing to expand the dissemination of the iconography of St. George and the devotion that our people feel towards our Patron.