The heirs of Nieves Molina Albero present Saint George and his Brotherhood with an Altar Frontal and a Chalice

Sisters María José and Nieves Bizarro Molina on behalf of all the children and heirs of Nieves Molina Albero, daughter of D. Gregorio Molina, illustrious bathtub, have visited the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi today and have delivered to the outgoing President Jorge Enrique Esteve Romero and the incoming José Vicente Berenguer Valls, of an altar front that was used in the Altar of the Chapel of Sant Jordi of the Castle of Xàtiva and of a chalice that the family used in one of its chapels, in order to increase the patrimony that the Brotherhood administers and guards for the greater glory of Sant Jordi. They have also donated a donation to help pay for the restoration work of the Anda de Sant Jordi paid for by his grandfather in 1963, and that the Brotherhood had restored last year.

The front of the Altar is made of pale pink silk, and decorated with small embroideries and crystals, and with hand-painted Baroque-style borders and the Image of St. George as central and main elements, drawn with great preciousness and detail, work of A. Mataix.

The Chalice, probably of gilded silver, decorated with a great profusion of chiseled details in the Baroque style, stands out for having inlaid silver elements, the representative symbols of the Eucharist, as well as three enamels embedded in its base, made with great definition and detail that represent St. George, St. Mary Magdalene and St. Gregory the Great, i the Crismó, chiseled directly at the base, representing Jesus Christ, decorated with little sapphires, robins, an emerald and a bright little one. It is accompanied by a paten, a copper – chalice in white felt decorated with the hand-painted representation of the Holy Spirit, an Altar tablecloth in white cotton thread cloth decorated with openwork and a silver brass formwork box. The whole set protected by a case.

This gift to our Patron Saint George, and in the Brotherhood, entity in charge of guarding and administering the devotional and material heritage of all the bathers has been the result of the relationship begun in 2009, when the board of directors contacted the family to inform them that they were going to start the restoration of the Anda de Sant Jordi, paid for in 1963 by D. Gregorio Molina. Relationship resumed last year 2010, when Mrs. Mª José Bizarro Molina, who keeps alive the family bond with Banyeres and the Filà de Cristians, to belong in memory and remembrance of the love and affection that his mother Nieves Molina Albero had in our town, to Christians and to St. George, she visited our village to attend the entrance of her company with her husband. Besides, they took the opportunity to visit the Maset dels Cristians and the Headquarters of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi, where they were able to meet first hand and establish contacts with President Jorge Enrique Esteve Romero who explained the operation of the entity, the tasks and works of conservation and restoration of the heritage that the Brotherhood had begun with the restoration of the Anda de Sant Jordi blessed in April 1963 and of the Script of Sant Jordi blessed in the years 40, both pieces of great heritage and devotional value for all bathers and, borne by generosity and great love for his people and St. George, who had his grandfather and bather, D. Gregorio Molina, and which he passed on directly to his daughter Nieves Molina Albero, who at the same time knew how to pass it on faithfully to all his children.

The Board of Directors of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi wants to thank the sisters Mª José and Nieves Bizarro Molina, representatives of all the heirs of Nieves Molina Albero the magnificent gift to our Patron and to the Brotherhood that results in benefit of all our town. And also to show our gratitude to Miguel Sempere Martínez that being dealing with the family various material and information directly related to the origin and tradition of our Festival of Moors and Christians has been a bridge of communication during the last weeks the family of Nieves Molina Albero and the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi.