Donation and blessing of the showcase 05/12/2021
The evening of the day 15 June 2019 the descendants of d. Gregorio Molina Ribera i Mrs Magadalena Albero Albero van fer donació pura i simple a títol gratuït a la Parròquia de Nostra Senyora de la Misericòrdia d’un conjunt d’objectes d’ús litúrgic, and they expressed their desire that the objects be kept in display cases, exposed to the public and stored in perfect condition to prevent deterioration. In the event that the Parish is unable to take charge of such custody in the future, the liturgical objects given by the descendants of d. Gregorio Molina Ribera i Mrs Magdalena Albero Albero serien dipositats en les Seus de les Confraries de St. Lucia and St. George, without this implying that the Brotherhoods were the owners of the objects.
These objects are made up of:
White chasubles, green, purple and red profusely embroidered with different borders and multicolored pebbles, with an image of St. George, Princess and the Dragon.
Manipulator sets, cobrecalzes, body bags and stoles of the colors of the respective chasubles with numerous embroideries.
The 5 December 2021, second Sunday of Advent, the wish of the descendants of d. Gregorio Molina Ribera i Mrs Magdalena Albero Albero amb la donació per part d’una família de Banyeres de Mariola que vol mantenir-se en l’anonimat, of a display case to preserve the given liturgical objects. This showcase is given to the Parish and to the two Brotherhoods of St. George i St. Lucia. So, liturgical objects and display case are an indivisible whole.
Handcrafted by Jorge Sempere from Banyeres de Mariola, the display case is a continuation of the style of furniture that was designed and executed at the time for the Sacristy of the Parish Temple. It is made of American cherry wood and polished in color. It has a front opening consisting of two transparent safety windows and lock. In the back, a mirror facilitates the vision of the front of the chasubles. The whole set has an il·zenithal illumination through an opal-finish crystal. The total dimensions of the display case are: 250 d’alt, 318 d’ample i 72 depth (measures all expressed in centimeters). Inside, it houses four torso mannequins for displaying the chasubles. The liturgical objects may be used in the respective solemn feasts of the two Brotherhoods and when the Parish deems it appropriate..
In the condition of custodian of the liturgical objects kept in the given showcase, the Brotherhoods of St. Lucia and Sant Jordi will ensure that they are kept in perfect condition. The two Brotherhoods warned of the need for its restoration, the Parish will have to proceed. If the Parish could not or did not want to do it, will be the Brotherhoods of St. George and St. Lucia qui la sufragarà a parts iguals, being able to compensate this expense with credits or contributions that the Parish could demand them in the future.
Eucharistic celebration and act of signing the deed of donation and protocol of use.
The preparation for the celebration and blessing of the showcase has been jointly organized by the boards of the brotherhoods of St. George and the management board of the St. Lucia. Between two meetings we will contribute ideas and share the tasks to be performed.
We prepared some greetings by inviting the mayor to the event, to the family of d. Gregorio Molinai Mrs Magadalena Albero, to the Keyboards of St. Lucia 2021 (Sempere Martínez family), to the Keyboards of St. Lucia 2022 (família Vañó Vañó), to the mayors of Sant Jordi and to the ex - presidents of St. Lucia. In the parish temple they had the place reserved and identified for sitting.
Between the days 25 i 26 November, carpentry workers Jorge Sempere (Jorfran Mariola, S.L.) i al capdavant Francisco José Sempere Avellán, they set up the display case in the Sacristy of the temple.
Monday 29 November members of the two boards will meet at 20:00h to the Sacristy to clean the display case and leave it ready for Friday 3 of December, day we had stayed to leave cabbage·located the chasubles.
The 3 from December to 20:00 h we started with the cabbage·location of the dawns, already starched and ironed on the mannequins to then proceed to the cabbage·location of stoles and chasubles. Once col·placed all liturgical objects in the display case (handles, bodyguards and body bags), col·locàvem al centre de la mateixa i als peus de dues maniquins centrals, the bronze busts of d. Gregorio Molina Ribera i Mrs Magdalena Albero Albero. That same night, col-locàrem baix de les grades de l’Altar major els Guions de les dues Confraries. Ha coincidit que són els dies del tridu de la Immaculada i a l’Altar també es trobava la imatge d’aquesta advocació i la campana del Sant Crist que ha estat restaurada i serà beneïda el dia 8 of December.
The day 5 them 10 in the morning in the parish church of Our Lady of Mercy, don Ramón Micó Colomer oficiava la missa revestit amb la casulla morada de Sant Jordi, color of the liturgical time in which we find ourselves, l’Advent. He was assisted in the Eucharist by the acolytes: Antonio Reig Gisbert i Juan Luis Beneyto Doménech. We were accompanied in the celebration by four musicians (the organ, a trumpet and two violins). La monició d’entrada preparada i llegida per Macarena Albero Cortés, the readings proclaimed by M. Jesús Francés Belda i Teresa Albero Albero, el salm cantat per Sabela Sempere Martínez i els precs llegits per Rosario Martínez Pina. Per a les ofrenes Yolanda Clemente Conejo portadora d’un centre de flors roges i fulles verdes, Luisa Fernanda Ferre Domenech ofrenava una safata amb els purificadors i els corporals, Pablo and Martina Sempere Martínez wax and Bread and Wine the keyboards of the year 2021 Francisco J. Sempere Avellán i Eila Martínez García.
At the end of the celebration and after the final blessing, D. Ramón Micó passava a la Sagristia i es llevava la casulla morada i es revestia amb una capa pluvial, then proceed to the introit of the showcase blessing. Jorge Sempere Avellán llegia la monició de benedicció i Azhara Sanchis Ferre proclamava un salm des de l’ambó, després del res D. Ramón i els acòlics passaven a la Sagristia amb l’aigua beneïda per a vessar-la sobre la vitrina. Once the blessing was over, the faithful went to visit the display case and the coffins. The last to visit it were the respective meetings of the Brotherhoods of St. Lucia and Sant Jordi with their respective presidents, the mayor Josep Sempere i Castelló, relatives of d. Gregorio Molina i doña Magdalena Tree and the Sempere Martínez family. Per a finalitzar l’acte de benedicció, a la Sagristia es procedia a la lectura per part de Jorge Sempere Avellán de l’acta de donació i protocol d’ús expedida per triplicat de la vitrina i les casulles. Aquesta acta quedava signada per la Parròquia de Nostra Senyora de la Misericòrdia de Banyeres de Mariola per d. Ramón Micó Colomer com a rector, Jorge Jordà Domenech com a president de la Junta Gestora de la Brotherhood de Santa Lucía de Banyeres de Mariola i Mª Elena Vilanova Calatayud com a presidenta de la Confraria de Sant Jordi de Banyeres de Mariola.