Mounts for the first time CCTV, to broadcast to all the sick people in the Mass of St. George, and this facility is used to place television monitors in the Parish Temple Communion Chapel so that all the faithful who do not fit in the naves of the temple can visually follow the ceremony..
23 d 'April: the Bishop of Plasencia Antonio Vilaplana presides over the Mass of Sant Jordi.
25 d 'April: presides over the Mass of the Manuel Soler Espí Cemetery, Abbot of the Collegiate Church of Xàtiva.
18 of December: the transfer of the Boards of Directors of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi is carried out.
Year of commemoration of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola; the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi organizes the I Iconographic Exhibition of Sant Jordi in the Exhibition Hall of the "Savings Bank of Alicante and Murcia", located on Sant Jaume street, Nº 8, basement floor.
22 February: It is celebrated the "Provincial Cros Championship", the "Provincial Senior Cross Country Championship", and the "Cross II Centenary of the Relic of St. George" in which seven categories were organized for participants.
18 , 19, 20, 21 i 22 March: the 3rd Sector, formed by the streets: Serrella, Master Serrano, Saint Joseph, Conquistador, Alcoy, Rosemary factories, Barranco Hondo and houses in L’Olleria, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
16 d'abril: concludes the School Football Championship II Centenary of the Relic of St. George.
23 d'abril: Mr. Jordi presides over the Mass of Sant Jordi. Rafael healthy Abad; the Procession is postponed as a result of heavy rain, celebrating the day 24 in the afternoon with great participation of faithful and great devotion on the part of all the assistants.
25 d'abril: participate in the Mass of the Cemetery several buses of visitors who came to our town to celebrate the "Provincial Day of the Castles". The Holy Mass is over, the Brotherhood imposed an embroidered bow, commemorating the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of St. George, to the flags of each of the troupes, as well as that of the Banyeres de Mariola Musical Society, reserving an equal one for the St. George’s Script.
6, 7, 12, 13 i 14 June: the 4th Sector, formed by the streets: Let, Ventorrillo, The Ducks, Laporta of no. 50 at no. 80, Santa Pola, Buenos Aires, Friar leonardo, Angel Torró, Jaufrido de Loaysa, Benejama and Carrasquetes, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 i 28 June: the 5th Sector, formed by the streets: General Moscardó, Juan Bautista Doménech Square, Vinalopó, Post, Sorolla painter, Botanical Cavanilles and Ruperto Chapí, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
4, 5, 9, 10, 11 i 12 of July: the 6th Sector, formed by the streets: Santa Cecilia, Morer, St. Lucia, Saint Peter, Captain Cortés, Ramón y Cajal, Juan XXIII, Vinalopó, The Angels, Villa Rosa, Les Molines and surroundings, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 i 26 of July: the 7th Sector, formed by the streets: Industry, Hernan Cortes, Alicante, Benlliure, Méndez Núñez, Angel of the Alcazar, Mariola, holy Christ, Font Bona, Valencia, Pius XII Square, Jaime I, Avda. Gregorio Molina, Martyrs, Doctor Fleming, Pizarro and Sor Josefa Santonja, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 i 30 August: the 8th Sector, formed by the streets: Plaza del Caudillo, Bald Sotelo, Laporta, Canalejas, José Antonio Square, Algibe, Magdalena (first numbers), St. jaime, Felipe IV, Felipe V, Reconquista, Castillo, Painter Segrelles, and first numbers of Angel Torró, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
During the beginning of September, various events are held to close the Year of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
1 September: the Homage to Our Elders is performed at the Teatre Principal, with the performance of plays written for the year of the II Centenary by the local theater director Felipe Sempere: "The dance of the flag", and the work written by Miguel Sempere Martínez “Banyeres fa 200 years"; Event during which the women of the association of "Housewives" and the festivities of the Row of Caliphs present to those present with pastries and soft drinks.
2 September: at the Cinema Mariola the children's movie “El Principe Valiente” is projected, followed by a snack; concluding Children’s Day with the Children’s Entrance.
3 i 4 September: the "Madrid Popular Theater Company", directed by Antonio Díaz Merat, represents the works "Harmful Love" by Juan José Alonso Millán and "La decente" by Miguel Mihura. At the end of the respective functions, a Gran Cordà de canes is held in the Plaça Major.
5 September: to 7:30 h woke up from rockets, stalking, general ringing of bells and firing of arquebuses. At 8:30 h, in the Morer, breakfast for partygoers and people in general; then, the Relic of Sant Jordi was received imposing to him the silver medal of the town by Mr.. Mayor and Provincial Deputy. José Barceló Sanjuán. Then begins the Offering of Flowers and shooting of arquebuses from the Morer to the Parish Temple, just as it was done two hundred years ago. At 18:00 h Entry in which more than 100 squads, 35 music bands i 40 floats. At 24:00 h Retreta.
6 September: Feast of the Relic. At 7:30 h Diana with great color of heads and squares; them 11:00 h Solemn Mass presided over, and preached his homily, for Ilm. i Rvdm. Sr. Miguel Roca Cabanellas, Archbishop of Valencia. At the end of Mass, and as the culmination of the celebration of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Saint George, Mr. Rector read the following papal blessing sent by His Holiness John Paul II:
"His Holiness John Paul II invoking the abundance of divine graces, heartily bestows the implored Apostolic Blessing on Ricardo Díaz de Rábago y Verdeguer, parish priest of Santa Maria de Bañeres and the entire Christian Community on the 2nd Centenary of the arrival of the Relic of Saint George, Patron of this town of Bañeres.
From the Vatican.
+ Anthony 1000. Travia Canterbury Eleemosynarius Pope.
– sealed.-"
then, the Brotherhood imposed a bow on the St. George's Script commemorating the Second Centenary, embroidery, like the rest of those imposed in the filaes, by Consuelo Esplugues Jordá. At 18:30 h children's parade of leaders and squads. In the Solemn Procession participated Mr.. Manuel Broseta Pont, Secretary of State for Autonomy, the Provincial Council of Alicante in full, chaired by l’Il • lustríssim Luis Díaz Alperi, president of the provincial institution, and the mayors of the region of La Muntanya, preceded by the "Maceros of the Diputación"; Radio telephones coordinated by an amateur radio station are used for the first time. At 24:00 h Great Cord.
7 al 14 September: a Solemn Octavarium is celebrated in suffrage of the deceased of the eight sectors that have participated in the Celebrations of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi.
26 January: the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi proposes to the Commission of Celebrations of Sant Jordi that every year the image of Sant Jordi is changed that is put at the beginning of the Program of Celebrations. It is also reported that, from’ eixe any, due to foundation of the row of Jordians, the novena that had been agreed upon since the founding of the Caliphs will no longer take place, but the Octavari de Sant Jordi will be performed again.
The first Roda balcó de Sant Jordi is held, with the image of the Saint presiding over his Altar; printed in full color on an ivory background.
The interior of the Altar of Sant Jordi is transformed to attach the forklift that will allow you to go up and down the Image of the Saint for the Solemn Procession and is mounted, for the first time, the garnet velvet curtain to decorate the High Altar.
During the month of April, a program of the Octavari Cultural Events is sent for the first time to each of the houses in the village..
21 d'abril: the Transfer recovers the old route of the Procession, going around the Castle and passing through the streets of Sant Jaume, Bald Sotelo, returning to the Plaza Mayor.
23 d'abril: Mr. Jordi presides over the Mass of Sant Jordi. Manuel Soler Espí. During the celebration of this, and as an exceptional fact, the children of the Captain of the Moros Nous row, they celebrate their First Communion. The Captains of the ranks are located, for the first time, in the High Altar in temporary stands. The Jordan Row is presented. The Image of the Saint presiding over the Altar appears again in the Procession, attached to the Carrossa del Sant, recovered years ago.
25 d'abril: presides over the Mass of the Cemetery Mr.. José González Soler. The Jordanian Row is participating for the first time by firing from the Holy Christ Shrine.
The Octavari of Sant Jordi, which the previous year became the Novena for the founding of the Caliphs, returns to be Octavari when being based Filà Jordians. The intentions of two rows are celebrated on the same day: Old Christians and Moors, Students and New Moors, Maseros and Morocco, Smugglers and Pirates, Jordians i Califes; completed with the intentions for the deceased of the village, sick and disabled and deceased of the Brotherhood of St. George.
19 of July: the Sant Jordi Festival Commission agrees on the events to be held on the occasion of the 2nd Centenary of the arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola. Among these acts stands out an Offering, where all that person of the town will be able to participate, party or country, who desires it. The idea of the City Council to carry out a children’s entrance before the Relic is communicated. It is proposed to visit the Relic of St. George in the different neighborhoods, the first Sunday of each month, decorating the streets for the occasion.
26 August: the Board of Directors of the Brotherhood approves the design presented by the artist from Barcelona Sr.. Rowing Paschal, for the commemorative medal of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi, in which the Relic can be seen on the obverse, the Castle and the inscription: "II Centenary of the Relic of San Jorge - Bañeres", and on the reverse the image of Sant Jordi drawn by the master Martínez, the bell tower and the national and regional flags with the inscription “1780-1980”, the cross and the crescent moon, sealed and sealed, with the coat of arms of Banyeres de Mariola.
The Cultural Week is celebrated to commemorate the year of the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola, starting the events that will be held throughout the village throughout the following year, divided into eight sectors, with the following program:
30 August: Berbena Popular to the Plaza del Caudillo.
31 August: Traditional dances by the local group of Choirs and Dances.
1 September: screening of a documentary on the Moors and Christians festival at the Cine Mariola, followed by a snack – dinner and a Children's Entrance, in which all the children of our town are invited to participate, responding magnificently and surpassing the participation more than 1.500 children of all ages. At the Teatre Principal, the Tribute to our Elders is celebrated with the performance of the Amateur Theater Company of our town directed by Carmen Reig “La Rosera”.
3 September: Holy Mass and Exercise in honor of Saint George and for the sick of the community of Banyeres de Mariola.
4 i 5 September: performance of the “Tirso de Molina National Theater Company”, with the representation of two works: "Peach in Syrup" by Miguel Mihura and "Guilty" by Jaime Salom; once the performances are over, Gran Cordà in the Plaza del Caudillo.
6 September: them 7:00 h in the morning Gran Volteig General de Campanes and Despertà for the whole town by the Banda Societat Musical Banyeres de Mariola; them 12:00 h. Offering of Flowers to the Relic of St. George, receiving it in the Place of Pío XII and accompanying it until the Parochial Temple with the following order: festers, paisans, Holy Relic of St. George escorted by the flags of the troupes, Board of Directors of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi, Clergy, Municipal Corporation and Band; concluding the event with a Gran Mascletà shot in the Plaza del Caudillo.
7 September: is commemorated the 200 Anniversary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
24, 25 i 26 October: the 1st Sector, formed by the streets: Saint George, Red Plan, paral • lela to San Jorge, Travesía San Jorge to the Era del Manso and Caseta dels Pardalets, Homeless, San Francisco, San Antonio, Ermita, Master Martinez, Santa Maria Magdalena i Calvary, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
16 November: the school football championship II Centenary of the Relic of Sant Jordi begins.
22, 23, 29 i 30 November: the 2nd Sector, formed by the streets: Colon, Rivera's cousin, Saint vincent, Felipe IV, Mercy, end of Laporta, The Huerta, saint Louis, San Agustin, Serrella principle, San Juan, San Miguel and San Francisco, celebrates the II Centenary of the Arrival of the Relic of Sant Jordi in Banyeres de Mariola.
23 d'abril: presides over the Mass of St. George the Most Illustrious Mr.. Miguel Payá. The Board of Directors is proclaimed for the period 1979 – 1982; President: Octavio García Payá, Vice President: Santiago Sanjuán Domènech, Secretary: Miguel Sempere Martínez and Treasurer: Vicente Ferre Tree.
20 May: the transfer of the Boards of directors is realized.
25 of July: the Sant Jordi Festival Commission agrees, at the request of the Brotherhood of St. George, that the fiestas of the Filaes form for the exit of the Procession in the Sant Jordi street.
18 August: the Sant Jordi Festival Commission agrees to create a new troupe, by the Christian Side, the Jordanians.
2 September: the procession of the Relic begins from Carrer Sant Jordi, plucking the previously formed rows.
It is held in December, for the first time the calendar with the image of Sant Jordi and is distributed by the houses of the confraternities by the own Board of directors.