Chronicle Celebrations of the Relic 05-06/09/2020
La Relíquia de Sant Jordi va ser el primer acte religiós preparat amb molta il•lusió per part dels membres d’aquesta nova junta de la Confraria de Sant Jordi. In the previous days general cleaning was carried out in the Headquarters of the Brotherhood, and the Altar of Sant Jordi was prepared, leaving it decorated for the celebration of the Mass on Sunday. Due to the circumstances of the time it was not considered appropriate to assemble the canopy, and the wooden reliquary at the High Altar.
Saturday 5-09-2020
2020 va ser un any especial, our See has had the honor of receiving in it the Relic of St. George venerating it with devotion for the members of the Brotherhood, praying and singing the Gojos. Seguidament es va fer el trasllat de la Relíquia i del Guió de Sant Jordi des de la Seu al Temple Parroquial de Santa Maria. Excepcionalment la Sagrada Relíquia va ser col•locada a la fornícula de l’Altar Major des d’on va presidir, all Saturday Masses,també les del diumenge, including the Major Mass of the Relic and even a burial.
Sunday 06-09-2020
St. George's Relic Celebration 6 September 2020.
This year marks the 240th anniversary of the arrival in Banyeres de Mariola from Rome of the Holy Relic of our revered Patron Saint George the Martyr.
Due to the situation motivated by the pandemic “Covid-19”, no es va celebrar cap acte fester, maintaining only the celebration of the Solemn Mass with the restrictions set by the health authorities.
The celebration was presided over by the Chaplain of our Parish, Mico Ramon Colomer, acompanyat pel diaca Rodrígo Ferre Bodí, who accepted the invitation offered by the Brotherhood of St. George. The Mass was broadcast live by Intercomarcal TV and Ràdio Banyeres de Mariola.
Mayor Josep Sempere i Castelló was present on behalf of Banyeres de Mariola City Council, la presidenta de la Comissió de Festes Na Beatriz Francés Tortosa,l’ alcalde de Festes En Fidel Bodí García, a representative of each political party in the City Council, els Capitans de les Filaes de Cristians, students, Old Moors, Marrocs, Pirates i Califes, presidents of the filaes, and faithful until completing the permitted capacity which at that time was of 75%.
The Mariola Choir represented by four members accompanied on piano by Francis Blanes was present at the celebration.
It was a very emotional celebration due to the extraordinary circumstances we were experiencing. En Ramón Micó a la seua homilia, it made us reflect on the non-celebration of the Holidays, teach us to stop in the day to day and unite as a people in our devotion to the Patron Saint George the Martyr.
Once the Solemn Mass is over, they went to the headquarters of the Brotherhood to celebrate the signing ceremony of the Golden Book, Mico Ramon Colomer, rector of our Parish and preacher of the Major Mass of that day, Josep Sempere i Castelló, mayor of Banyeres de Mariola, M. Elena Vilanova Calatayud, president of the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi, Jordi Silvestre Beneyto, Vice President, Macarena Albero Cortés, Secretary, Maria Belda Silvestre, tresorera i una xicoteta representació de la Junta de la Confraria. La Presidenta saludava al rector i a l’Alcalde i els donava la benvinguda a la seu i convidava a En Ramón Micó a deixar constància escrita i a estampar la seua firma al Llibre d’Or. To end the event and after reading his testimony, the President presented him with an engraving of the Sant Jordi Script, made by local artist Manuel Granados.
On Sunday afternoon and after the celebration of the Mass of the 18:30 h, part of the members of the Board of the Brotherhood, anaren al Temple Parroquial per arreplegar el Guió de Sant Jordi i així deixar-lo a la vitrina de la seu. En Ramón Micó va portar la Relíquia de Sant Jordi a visitar als malalts que ho van sol·bid. The day ended with the relic of St. George at the headquarters again.