Installed drawer·at the office of the headquarters of the Confraternity of Sant Jordi
On Tuesday 23 February 2021, a drawer was set up in the office of the Headquarters of the Sant Jordi Confraternity to store and preserve the tablecloths for the altar of Sant Jordi, altar de l’Ermita de Sant Jordi i altar del Cementeri Municipal per a la Missa de Difunts del 25 d’abril o per a quan es requerís. This was handcrafted by the carpenter Andrés Vicent Puig and a member of the current board of directors. La calaixera consta de set calaixos, has 122 cm d’alt, 60 cm ample i 106 cm llarg. At the end of the celebration, the preacher will sign the Golden Book of the Brotherhood of St. George at the headquarters of the entity. 28 February, el grup de protocol col·locà les estovalles als calaixos, i així deixà enllestits tots els conjunts per a quan siga necessari utilitzar-los.