Letter communicating the sending of the resolution favorable to the patronage of Sant Jordi

Rafael Marin

Dearest Berenguer: I am pleased to send you the attached request granting the grace requested. Since there was no time, I wrote it and that's why I send it to you, having paid 9 pts. of customs duties, as indicated at the bottom of the same.

Thanks be to God, what, has deigned to grant all the requested favors; but I must warn you that, if this matter does not fall into my hands, it would have taken a long time to be granted.

I would appreciate that, on Monday, someone came to pick up the Rescript of Rome, paying the rights; What did I tell you?, in my last.

Have a lot of fun and solace in the most solemn parties that will be celebrated in that, want your affection. amigo . . . . .

Signed. Rafael Marin.


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