News in the newspaper Crónica de Banyeres – May 2023 (2)


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The new board of the Confraternity of Sant Jordi

The Confraternity of Sant Jordi has fully defined the composition of its new board. It is formed by María José Vaño Belda (Chairwoman), María Lutgarda Vañó Belda (vice president), María José Albero Francés (secretary) i Montserrat Beneyto Rizo (treasurer). The rest of the positions are occupied by the members, which are the following: Teresa Tree Tree, Verónica Tree Tree, José Jorge Albero Belda, Antonio Beneyto Francés, Jorge Juan Beneyto Hernández, Francisco José Blanes Sempere, Joaquin Espinosa Vaño, Mary Joseph Ferre Ferre, Mary Mercedes Ferre Ferre, Juan Jorge Ferre Ferre, Beatriz Ferre Pla, Regino Ferre Puig, Vicente Ferre Silvestre, María José Francés Fuster, María Ángeles Gisbert Francés, Dionís Liñán Bodí, Santiago López i Pascual, María Jesús Martínez Valero, Estanislao Mataix Monzó, Adelina Molina del Vas, Vicente Molina Navarro, Ignacio Molina Sempere, Francisco Monteagudo Oliver, María José Mora Genís, Luis Moreno Beneyto, Mar Pérez Llopis, Vicente Puig Gandía, Antonio Mónico Ruiz Lara, Vanesa Samper Pascual, María del Pilar Segura Beneyto, Jorge Sempere Aracil, Antonio Sempere Beneyto, Adelaida Tornero Castelló, María José Vañó Albero, Rafael Vaño Bodí, Miguel Vaño García and Rafael Vicedo Alal.