Chronicle of the Holidays 2021
Official Party Chronicler
After a year of lockdowns, hardships, closing hours of public places and coping with the disease, in some cases suffering from virus infections, uniting at home at the family level and maintaining permanent contact with friends via social networks, displaying images of Saint George and Saint Mary Magdalene on many of our balconies, hoping for vaccines that will put an end to this global pandemic, Banyeres de Mariola once again set out to celebrate its festivities in honor of Saint George, although the massive acts were suppressed while our Moors and Christians costumes were kept guarded by mothballs. And as it could not be less, some participatory celebrations were achieved, fraternal and of a hope in the future, as it has always been evident in our people who believe in God through the mediation of our undefeated martyr Saint George. Within this framework and always keeping the distances and the established means, the festivities that we detailed took place.
“De nou la festa al carrer Diumenge de Rams, de la mà dels Moros Vells I la Societat Musical.”
Sunday, 28 of March.
Palm Sunday.
At 12:30 h, in the municipal park Villa Rosario, outdoors and with all the measures and covered spaces for the attending public, the Filà de Moros Vells offering its XXVI Party Music Concert in charge, as usual, of the Banyeres de Mariola Musical Society. In the first part they performed the pasodoble by Ramón García i Soler Goiri (2016); then the Christian march Ismael Conill premiered, dedicated to this great party man and captain with his family, all of them members of the captaincy of the Student comparsa, whose march was composed by Omar Sala Escrihuela. Then, and also in rigorous premiere, the Moorish march Arrels was offered, Created by Óscar Sempere Francés and a gift from Fina Francés to her grandchildren, the captains of the Old Moors. Both scores were publicly delivered to the honorees. As guest composer was Ferran Campos Valdés, born in Biar in 1990, who conducted his own compositions: paso doble party (2016) Villena party music composition award, tobias (2016) Christian and Tajir march (2018), Moorish march composed for the Comparsa Chumberos de Ibi. Once again, the band was directed by its owner José Francisco Mira Marín, they performed Espejismos (1997), marcha mora in memory of the disappeared composer of Beneixama Pedro J. Francés Sanjuán and Xema Almogàver (2015) Christian march by Rafael Mullor Grau. Ending the concert as usual with the marcha mora Als Moros Vells by the composer Jaime Francisco Ripoll Martins. Once again the Filà and the band were up to the task in preparation, attention and interpretation, to which we are accustomed. After a year of pandemic, festive music was heard again in this usual audition, although that yes, with the due precautions established by health.
“Glòria a Déu a les altures! Any rere any a Banyeres ixen les nostres banderes que a Sant Jordi anuncien festes. Amb il·lusió i entusiasme la Confraria en testimoni guardona els seus nous càrrecs que per Sant Jordi treballen.”
Sunday, 4 of April.
Glory Sunday, planting of flags and imposition of insignia at the Board of Directors of the Confraternity of Sant Jordi.
At 9:00 h, Christians in the Santo Cristo and Old Moors in the castle, the national flags were hoisted as is traditional, and the other comparsas in their usual places, in small groups and keeping the distances established by health, shooting rockets into the air like always, but suppressing the festive lunches, replaced by the family celebrations of that day, that the Smugglers in memory that that was the day of their entrance, They distributed personal rations of coke and drinks among their partygoers., that they consumed in their own homes.
At 10:00 h, and within the solemn celebration of the Eucharist on Easter Sunday, the insignia of mayoral and members of the board of directors of the Confraria de Sant Jordi were imposed. These badges could not be imposed on 9 May 2020 after the transfer of the image of Sant Jordi to his hermitage, because of the pandemic. During the homily of. Ramón Micó Colomer expressed the importance of the faith in Saint George of the people of Banyer and the need for us all to be united around the parish. then d. Ramón blessed the insignia and then Macarena Albero Cortés, secretary of the board of directors, requested the presence in the presbytery of the president, of the outgoing president and the mayoral mayor. After the signing of the internal regulations of the mayorales board by Rafael E.. Belda Doménech, Octavio García Payá, mayor mayor, he was given the gold insignia of mayoral. later Rafael E.. Belda imposed on the president M. Elena Vilanova Calatayud the insignia of the board of directors and this in turn to the components of its board. At the end of the celebration, the already mayoral and the president gave their dissertations related to the position that he left in 2020 the first and the one that the current president was showing with all the commitment and honor that comes with presiding over the Brotherhood of our Patron.
In the afternoon at 18:30 h, and broadcast by Intercomarcal TV, Radio Banyeres and Facebook, a video was projected presenting the publication of the party program 2021, in which the parties are recorded that although without public acts in the street, It was planned to celebrate in the parish and the cemetery, within the health and safety measures against Covid-19, as well as to serve as historical testimony of the festivals that were no longer celebrated in 2020 and the development of the festive experiences of the past year, good at family level, personal or public via videoconference during the year 2020.
The cover of the program is the work of Ana Belda Tudela and belongs to the prize for the best local artist of the XXXV Festival poster contest of 2019, entitled The Colors of the Party. The presentation table was chaired by Mr.. Mayor Josep Sempere, the president of parties Beatriz Francés and the mayor of parties Fidel Bodí. As always, the comparsas distributed a copy to each festero in their masets and the city council did it to the authorities, collaborators and publicity at the headquarters of the Festivities Committee.
“El pregó està en el calaix i el guarda amb amor Raúl, esperem amb ansietat els secrets del seu baül bandereres, captains, tothom el vol escoltar.”
Monday, 5 of April.
Remembering the act that should have been held, The presentation of captains and standard-bearers and the proclamation of the year's festivities were broadcast on Intercomarcal TV on a deferred basis 2001 of Gonzalo Ferre and the one of the 2019 by Paloma Martinez, going on to broadcast interviews with the maintainers of parties of 2015 Y 2016, Mari Carmen Cortes Sempere and Miguel Sempere Martínez.
““La Nova” en el seu concert celebrat a l’aire lliure dona als moros i cristians les noves ganes de viure.”
Sunday, 18 of April.
Outdoors and in the space of the municipal park Villa Rosario, The Musical Group "La Nova" offers the XVII festival music concert with the program we have detailed, to which was added the rigorous premiere of the Christian march Caballero Alfonso, creada por encargo de su escuadra “Caballeros de la barra” para el capitán cristiano Alfonso Sanchis y su familia, by the young composer and musician of "La Nova" Jordi Pérez Santonja, who delivered the sheet music to the interested party.
The interpreted program, In addition to the mentioned march, it was as follows:
To Mr. Paco, paso doble by Mario Roig Vila; Captain, marcha mora by Saül Gómez Soler, Zamil, marcha mora by Ferran Campos Valdés, The bow, Christian march by Óscar Chafer Serrano, Manta, gallows i party, Christian march by Francisco Valor Llorens, Centenary march of Amando Blanquer Ponsoda and L'Ambaixador Cristià, Christian march by Rafael Mullor Grau.
The “La Nova” festive concert is sponsored by the City Council and the Provincial Council as part of its Música als pobles campaign.
In this act the new musicians of the band were presented: Jordi Castelló Sempere, Carlos Molina Camarasa and Juan Francisco Beneyto Galvañ trumpets and Ramón Aparicio sax.
“El xicotet ix de casa participant en la festa, allí no li fan visita. Busca el contacte amb tendresa, mira als ulls, al fons de l’ànima, i als fidels els il·lumina un somriure que s’amaga i tapa la mascareta.”
Wednesday, 21 of April.
Mass of the transfer of Saint George.
Our Patron had already been enthroned in the main altar of the parish in advance, without carrying out the procession of the town that takes place every year due to the sanitary measures that we know.
The afternoon was rainy just like the same day of the year 2019.
The Eucharist was presided over by our parish priest of. Mico Ramon Colomer, who in his homily highlighted the importance of rain for our fields, that Saint George was the patron saint of agriculture, and that apart from the inconveniences we have to celebrate the holidays, we must welcome the rain as a blessing from heaven.
He added that the union that the holidays represent for all, leads us to love and brotherhood that binds us, leaving aside the different ideologies and ways of thinking of each one. Faith in God and in Saint George must be the link that must unite all of us from Banyer around our parish church.
Thursday, 22 of April.
Prayer of First Vespers on the solemnity of Saint George and Prayer of the Angelus.
At 20:00 h, Intercomarcal TV woke us up with Diana on deferred, with great solemnity the prayer of first Vespers was recovered (as it was done before at the end of the entry), with the full temple of faithful within the permitted capacity, the parish priest d. Ramón Micó directed and sang the Vespers prayer that was followed and chanted by all the attendees:
“Invocación a San Jorge (G.F. Haeendel) A vós implorem, Sant Jordi gloriós, a vos demanem vostra protecció. Que els cants ens alegren i ens facen millors i ens facen amar-vos, Sant Jordi gloriós.”
Salmo 117 (1-18). Antiphon: If anyone declares for me before men, also the Son of man will testify for him before the Father.
“Este es el día en que actuó el Señor, sea nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo. Dad gracias al Señor porque es bueno, porque es eterna su misericordia. Hallelujah, aleluya! Etc.”
It ended with the recitation of the Angelus as our festivities always begin in their tetralogy and the singing of the Hymn to Saint George..
“De nou la missa al Patró torna a tindre grandesa i l’amor a borbotons, brolla l’amor a la vida després d’un any vergonyós obligat per la pandèmia.”
Friday, 23 of April.
Saint George's Day.
At 7:30 h, in the morning and at 12:00 h, the bells rang in a general revolt announcing the day of our Patron.
At 19:30 h, the High Mass for Saint George took place with a full parish church, within what the capacity allowed to comply with the regulations in this state of Covid-19.
La Coral Mariola sang at the Eucharistic celebration and the priest, son of a Banyerense family and closely linked to our people, presided, d. Vicente Esplugues Ferrero, who in the sermon recalled his experiences with family and in Banyeres, his mother's activities, the washerman of the Font Bona etc. With anecdotes of our town and our time, explaining how the women in her house cut out garments using paper patterns, so that the original would remain as it had been as a pattern, explaining that the pattern word was that, be used as a guide and role model, referring to our model and Patron Saint George.
He continued explaining what parish life should be and defined Banyeres as an entrepreneurial town, model at work and initiative, above the love for Saint George and in the festivities that we celebrate in his honor, with the faith and hope that this pandemic ends and they will be carried out again as normal.
The mass ended with the singing of the hymn to Saint George.
Later Mr.. Preacher signed in the Golden Book of the Confraria de Sant Jordi and in that of the City Council. D. Vicente is a missionary priest of the "Verbum Dei" and vicar of the Madrid parish of Our Lady of the Americas..
The day ended with a colorful fireworks display being set off..
On Saint George's Day, five masses were celebrated, so that all the neighbors who could not be present at the high mass could participate.
Saturday, 24 of April.
Moors and Christians Day.
As these days were not celebrated on the street, these were labor days, However, through Intercomarcal TV, Facebook and Radio Banyeres, the targets were broadcast, guerrillas and embassies of other years, and interviews with the Christian and Moorish ambassadors, in this case a woman, María Jesús Gisbert Francés who has not yet been able to carry out her position.
“Un any més al cementeri ens encontrem reunits pares, fills, iaios, besavis… amb el record i l’esperit.”
Sunday, 25 of April.
Day of the Cemetery and of Santo Cristo.
At 12:00 h, in the cemetery, without the usual arquebus salute, but with great solemnity, the solemn mass was celebrated in suffrage of our deceased, accompanied by the "La Nova" Musical Group.
Separate chairs were distributed throughout the room in front of the altar of the “Monument al Fester.”
Our parish priest presided over the celebration. Mico Ramon Colomer, who in his homily stressed that cypresses are a sign of joy, a greeting of love and life that rise to heaven.
He asked for the union of all in the same sentiments of faith in Christ, each according to their way of thinking and the different facets of their lives, in a hope of eternal life in communion with those who are no longer with us, but here in this place they are all present.
The celebration ended by praying a response before an incense cauldron, whose smoke rose to the sky, this year that the smoke of the gunpowder from the arquebuses has not been able to rise.
The Filà de Moros Vells offered, as usual, a wreath of flowers in memory of all the deceased, and the Confraria de Sant Jordi raffled off an engraving of the script of Saint George among its confreres, being graceful Jorge Antonio Payá Molina.
This engraving of the script of Saint George is one of the 150 created by the artist Manuel Granado, edited by the Brotherhood of Sant Jordi to commemorate the 75 anniversary of the blessing of the script of our Patron.
This Sunday in our parish two more masses were celebrated in the cemetery, one in Santo Cristo and one in the parish church, so that those who could not attend the solemn mass due to capacity, could fulfill that devotion of venerating our deceased on 25 of April.
“L’Octavari aglutina els festers en les comparses, per Sant Jordi van a missa recordant iaios i pares.”
Of the 26 from april to 3 of May.
Octavario and XLI Musical Days to San Jorge.
Masses were celebrated to Saint George officiated and preached by d. Ramón Micó Colomer in suffrage of the deceased. The 26 April for the deceased of Critians and Moros Vells, the 27 by Students and New Moors, the 28 by Maseros and Morocco, the 29 by Smugglers and Pirates, the 30 by Jordans and Caliphs, the 1 of May by the Banyeres Musical Society, "La Nova" Musical Group, Colla of Dolçaines and Tabals "El Braçal", the 2 of May for the deceased of Banyeres de Mariola and the day 3 by those of the Confraternity of Sant Jordi.
“La música de nou aporta cultura, germanor, But specifically the Vatican note, que emmarca la nostra església en aquest any de pandèmia.”
In its XLI edition of the musical days, the oldest in the Valencian Community, the concerts that took place in our parish church were offered and were the following:
Saturday, 1 of May.
At 19:30 h, in the parish church with all its permitted capacity, the Santa Cecilia de Cullera Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Carlos Garcés Fuentelsaz, with more than a hundred musicians, they interpreted the following program masterfully: Overture The clemency of Tito de W. A. Mozart; Concerto for double bass and orchestra, Allegro moderate, Andante and Allegro giusto, acting as double bass soloist Javier Sapiña, and as they were applauded intensely they offered another piece with the double bass player.
In the second part they interpreted the Nº 8 Unfinished by F. Schubert, Allegro moderato and Andante with motorcycle.
An unforgettable concert that the entire orchestra completed by saluting the altar of the Virgen de los Desamparados and turning around, at the altar of San Jorge. A very moving detail..
Sunday, 2 of May.
At 19:30 h, the Sant Yago University Choir of Valencia, under the direction of Pau de Luis Alba, he made his entrance to the chancel in a sung procession accompanied by the beating of a drum. Once situated they interpreted the following pieces in the first part, sacra: Media vita Arrangement of M. McGlynn, They blurted out about J. D. Vegetables, The day of wrath of Z. Lukas, Where the charity of O. Gjeilo, Deus ex machina of J. Neske, O nata luxury by M. Lauridsen, Hail Regina de L. Jansson, O savior of E. Esenvalds, Our father of E. Esenvalds and I’m Gonna Sing Arrangement of A. van Ryckeghem.
In the second part profane, they performed Uncle Pep Arrangement of M. Asins Arbó, Alma woolen of S. Days, Maria Cristina Arrangement by J. C. Urrutia and Ronda Catonga Arranged by Fr. triad. The second part was developed giving it a fun nuance, which was also loudly applauded. They finished the concert as they had started it., in a kind of sung procession leaving through the center of the attendees.
Once again the Sant Yago Choir left us a pleasant memory, as in their performances in previous years of musical conferences.
Saturday, 8 of May.
At 20:00 h, In the parish church a solemn mass was celebrated commemorating the transfer of Saint George to his hermitage, chaired by d. Ramón Micó Colomer who gave a moving sermon. After the celebration and while the hymn to Saint George was sung, the Confraria de Sant Jordi offered a marvelous rain of rose petals from the dome that was loudly applauded, exciting those present.
Sunday, 9 of May.
In the morning and with great discretion, but with all dignity keeping sanitary distances, Saint George was carried on a litter to his hermitage, accompanied by a general ringing of bells.
Other activities
The Confraria de Sant Jordi established the first festive-themed drawing contest with the image of Saint George as the protagonist, awarding prizes to the winning boys and girls.
As a comment and for the written record, throughout the month of April our friend the rain has visited us daily, and every day he gave us his waters as had not happened for many years.
Add that to each of the celebrations, complying with the capacity that was required, the Confraria de Sant Jordi distributed assistance tickets to those who requested them, for which large queues were formed to access them. and as we have said, d. Ramón Micó celebrated various masses apart, so that the faithful who could not access the ticket for the solemn celebration, could attend the Eucharist on each of the days.
Saturday, 15 of May.
At 20:00 h, the Comparsa de Maseros attended the Eucharist in honor of San Isidro. This comparsa has as co-patron with Saint George the holy farmer, and for reasons of Covid-19 they did not celebrate the usual parade with a music band and giants and big heads accompanying the saint, celebrating their party as they did with San Jorge attending the mass for their deceased and devotion to San Isidro.
“Final de la festa és Pentecostés. Amb emoció i alegria els cristians arrien bandera, tot i fins a l’any que ve.”
Sunday, 23 of May.
On the esplanade of the hermitage of Santo Cristo, the Comparsa de Cristianos attended a mass for their deceased, just as it has been celebrated every year on the day of Pentecost.
The Christians who raise the flag on the belfry of Santo Cristo on Glory Sunday announcing the festivities, They remove it on the day of Pentecost, when Easter time ends., symbolizing that this is the end of the entire period in which Banyeres de Mariola carries out the activities of its festivities in honor of Saint George.
After the Eucharist, our parish priest blessed the terms as has been the custom in this comparsa, just as it had been done from immemorial in the hermitage of the Conjurer.
“Els termes són beneïts com els majors ensenyaren elevant els precs al Pare perquè ens cuide com a fills.”
Feast of the Relic of Saint George.
“La lluita per la pandèmia no resta amor a la festa, tenim l’esperança plena que Sant Jordi la vença.”
Friday, 3 of September.
At 19:00 h, in the municipal park Villa Rosario, the musical group Ramonets carried out a show for children, with the measures established by health, in which festive flags were distributed as every year, but without being able to carry out the usual children's parade for the eve of the festival of the Relic.
Saturday 4 of September.
At 18:00 h, with a limited capacity in the maset of the Comparsa de Moros Nuevos, the troupe's book was presented under the title Llibre dels Moros Nous de Banyeres de Mariola, very well elaborated, studied and written, which has 600 pages with more than a thousand photographs, that leaves a record of both the written and graphic history of everything related to the comparsa.
At 20:00 h, First Vespers of the Relic of Saint George was celebrated in the parish church, for whose solemn celebration the Confraria published a printed script with all the prayers and songs of the act, called First Vespers Sant Jordi Mártir.
At 23:00 h, in the Villa Rosario municipal park with limited capacity, your band, offered an audition of Spanish Pop and Rock under the title No Comment.
Sunday, 5 of September.
Saint George Relic Day.
The general ringing of bells announced the date that is dedicated annually to the feast of the Relic, in its two hundred and forty-one edition.
At 11:00 h, in the parish church, with due capacity, with the assistance of authorities, captains, partygoers and people, solemn mass was celebrated, accompanied by the Mariola Choir and presided over by the priest of Xàtiva d. Pablo Sanchis Cano, vicar of the parish of San José de Ontinyent, who eloquently developed the panegyric to Saint George and his Relic; our parish priest concelebrated the Eucharist. Ramón Micó accompanied by our countryman the deacon d. After the religious act, a loud mascletà was fired as it takes place year after year.
With a visit to the headquarters of the Confraria de Sant Jordi and the Town Hall by the guest preacher for the signing of the golden book of the respective entities, The only act that took place this year so limited by Covid-19 ended.
With a family and friendly atmosphere, this atypical festival of the Relic of the Year was celebrated 2021, with the hope of being able to wear the festive costumes and recover the party in the street, the next festivities of Saint George of 2022.
Sunday, 5 from December.
At 10:00 h, A solemn mass was celebrated in the parish church for the blessing of the showcase donated by a family from our town and who wishes to remain anonymous. attended the celebration, Mayor, the clavaries of this year, the boards of directors of the brotherhoods of San Jorge and Santa Lucía, as well as relatives of d. Gregorio Molina Ribera and Mrs. Magdalena Albero Albero. End of the celebration. Ramón Micó Colomer proceeded to bless the display case installed in the sacristy of the parish church, where the four chasubles of Saint George that belonged to the family of our illustrious countryman Mr. Molina and that were donated by his grandsons and granddaughters in June of 2019.