Les Valls de Mariola. Let, Bathtubs and Bocairent. 2ª share

Valencia, XXI century – digital edition. Nestor Novell

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tradition in the region, a museum that complements the hiking route by Mills.

Many cultural associations of the region, Gathering II signatories of Peoples of Mariola, require a serious effort by the authorities to recover the rich industrial heritage representing mills. Last October, the Ministry of Culture has brought to tender the Vinalopó River Interpretation Center located in the old mill Sun.. According to the Minister wants to declare BIC the mill and the chapel of St. George and, space Ethnological, their environment.

Tower Good Source of the fifteenth century houses the archeological museum and the Torre del Homenaje Castle Museum Fester. Regarding the newly opened museum in the espadrille • Villa Rosario. Rafael Cipriano (6) said:

"In its careful permanent exhibition open to the public, pays an emotional tribute to a craft disappeared and spread of a majority in rural societies, while leather shoes belonged more urban entity ".

The most important festivals bathrooms Fair and Festivals in July in honor of Mary Magdalene and, as, Moors and Christians, in April in honor of St. George, and in September in honor of his relic which came from Rome 1780. This festival predates 1792, one of the oldest in the Country. A 33% of the population is associated with a filà, the second city in the percentage of association after Bocairent (has an incredible 53%). According to an article from a member (7) Diaspora banyerenca.

“(There is) multiple figures of corn festive and dramatic from the Middle Ages onwards. (….) functions as geographically closest Embassy tomatoes Cocentaina (County) Embassy or old Onil (Alcoyano), others (Wall). (…)

Festive generations have deposited layers with the passage of time to build a holiday complex that combines, not always balance, innovation and conservation. (…) Somewhere between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the influence of the burgeoning bourgeoisie and galloping industrialization definitely changed the model of party. (…). However, Some of the dances and pantomimes tribute comic counterpoint to the popular theater performances have survived more serious such as corn and Dance Dance Christian Callosa d'en Sarria (Marina Baixa), Dance of spies Biar (Alto Vinalopó) Dance or die of Mariola (Alcoyano). Currently, despite the difficulties to reintroduce elements lost in a party hiperestructurada, some movement of these relics festive recovery has begun to bear fruit. Ball Ball of Farmers and Smugglers Ontinyent. (…)

Of the many festivals modeled on southern Moors and Christians held in Valencia today, Just over twenty have a centuries-old tradition, regular i ritualitzada. (…) The first feature that can draw attention to this type of festival is the high participation.(…) A second factor (…) is the socioeconomic impact (….) ( i ) the social structure it represents. "

The main cultural associations are: The Gang of Demons Quarantamaula, dolçainers group and the drums and Jamba, Association of the Legend of St. George, Princess and the Dragon, which represented each 3 years, for some 200 and people outdoors, during the celebrations of Malena.

Col bath • Serrella group publishes the journal interesting and reflective Barcella, and we must also mention the magazine published by the Cultural Association Bigneres good source that also publishes books on local.

An important figure was Manuel Baths Broseta, prominent lawyer and political transition in going from the Democratic Board blaverisme more antivalencià during the so-called Battle of Valencia . Vicent Berenguer tells his relationship with bathtubs:

"The father was Broseta" expatriate "in bathtubs where he married a bridge. Manuel Broseta be the first graduate from the village, but his professional and political life made in Valencia. Then, Bathtubs not studying at one. A Benejama he said the people of 7 wise, because many of the Franciscans studied Ontinyent. The seminar studied Bocairent, but the baths were in the factory. "

We said goodbye and headed Mariola Bocairent also lives back to bathtubs, I guess that it just sterile correspondence.


The mother who had children, to / who knows the store / his com the pelailles, to / we all want the taste

(Fandango Bocairent)

Passing the splendid pool and Ontinyent Pou Clar, cold water even in full summer, Always take the impressive canyon formed by the river and the river course Pantanet. The improved highway at the end of the last century but the canyon remains a special place. Knocks me out on the old mill now converted into the restaurant and Step, the old path, between the river and the caves of the cliffs, observe the huge emaciated and folds of the mountains. Walk half an hour to get closer to the impressive stone walls to contain the railroad Xàtiva-Alcoy. Here, the walls are almost vertical mountain vegetation and a minimum. The path is wide and paved and maintained the steps made on the rock since time immemorial. The view is magnificent. Returns to the car and towards the end of the ravine because I find "covetes Moors", an appetizer of what awaits me in Bocairent. From the road the view is unforgettable Bocairent "the people of limestone", acaramullat collected and presented around a hill surrounded by Claro river. Pass over to the shrine of St. Anthony, this Gothic church, day Saint Anthony, small skylight for the front, enters a ray of sun that illuminates and • the face of the saint 17 hours.

The Bridge of San Blas is in the works and there between the old industrial area. Pass an old factory, great citadel retains the name: "Industry Lanera San Joaquin", we enter the field!. Arriving at the entrance of the village take the ring to get setup • Can Domingo, where I stayed with Puerto Salvador, a friend of Vincent Berenguer. We're just spending the day in St. Lucia and the day is sunny, warm short, so let's work.

Salvador awaits me sitting at a table and then on appeal, then know that I am the person who has cited. Think that, with camera and backpack with the computer and recorder, my image come close enough to any clueless tourists, but of course, the bar and got all, wants it or not, I am the only visitor. Invites me to sit at the table and start working with a glass of wine and a kilometer tortilla sandwich with sausage. Puerto Salvador is a person open, nice, critically and love of his people. This story will detail Travel by Country we are doing and tells me, clear, the impression that I can drive every village despendrà, and, the person who speaks, so I hope that our conversation be worthwhile. I realize that he is part of that group of people who believe and love the Country, defend the language, culture and territory to achieve a better future for bocairentina.

"A Bocairent and throughout the region there are a handful of people who think like me, but we must recognize that our lives,our concerns and our activities run in parallel • parallel world to the majority of the population social. We live in a dual society ".

It has every reason in the world. Country there are many people like him and make a huge effort to create a space to express themselves. Make this country as if it were a normal society where lies and reject anything that sounds like creativity and intelligence • intelligence, and if in Catalan. We agree that it is difficult for these people "Country", means a precarious and so heterogeneous perspectives can meet and be recognized beyond the local space that everyone has made a lot of effort, without a doubt, at least since John Carpenter, this is a country bogets or desficiosos that are scattered everywhere. Wherever you find a handful out more! There are many, Besides it might seem. On second thought, This trip is going Pill desficiosos, some personal, what others tell you and, the majority, for what they have written or work equipment and intangible assets that have left.

The term has Bocairent 97,3 Km2 which includes much of the massif of the Sierra Mariola and the Solana, plus a strip of narrow corridor we call the Channel Bocairent.

After breakfast I was chatting proposed walking route outside wall not too famous. We walked to the back of the houses of the medieval town overlooking the orchards that s'abancalen way down deep river. Holiday 6 The 8 heights, this part, front and not have more than 4. The City Council is doing here for a walk to the bridge Last Village, the former entrance to the town. It is exciting to see conditioners and small gardens that were the corral, the garden or the washing of the inhabitants of Bocairent. Here the old system of water piping, there a sewer, half excavated in the rock a small pond, up imposing houses, down there orchards and river, on the other side of the river the chapel of St. Bernard and an old mill. Behind the chapel and presiding over the valley, Mariola. The legendary mountain naturalists and archaeologists. Among the many prehistoric sites include the Iberians and the Loma de Galbis, which are located Leone Bocairent, Iberian sculpture placed in the magnificent Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia.

We went through a warehouse of dye was a former monastery possibly Visigoth, for a covetes, and heads the Pouet de San Vicente where people go to heal skin diseases. Nearby, the old mill of the twelfth century the cave in Gomar. We arrived at the bridge behind Villa "and we climb towards the suburb, the oldest part of the medieval town. Decrepit and devastated half, although perfectly preserved cobblestone street. In each place unique advantage Salvador to tell me the story of his people.

"Covet Moors there Ontinyent, Alfafara and Bocairente, ie across the top of it really should say the river Pou Clar. The most famous, by spectacular, are 53 there here, carved into the limestone, the Fos Ravine. It seems proven that were built by the Berber nomadic shepherds used cereal granaries, dried fruit, was, cheese, will, etc. and no place to hide weapons and clothes ".

Berbers defined his country as one who "fish to sheep". Each clan had a Berber cave. In the twelfth century there is a written order to that already speaks Maqqari-quality fabrics White Bocairent. In the history book of Abel and Josep Soler A. Ferre (8), an example to follow publications on local history, I find the following text:

"Al-Idrisió, geographer, described in Bukayràn 1150 saying that it is a hisn or fortified fortress Itinerària, but surrounded by a population so large that it seems a medina. (…) A puzzle houses carved into the rock, (…) how was the planning of these Gibal Balansiya Mountains or Valencia ".

According to these historians, in 1245 Almohad governor surrendered Bukayrán Plaza Jaume I. To mark the first rise of al-Azraq, the 1248, all Arabs expelled from this place border and became the distribution of land and houses among Christians. The 1256 granted to the new town of Bocairent the charter for more than 300 colons. The old bocairentina, driven out of his village, they went into exile in Murcia, Granada and the Maghreb, or in the garden Gandia, the Marina and surrounding towns. The historian Joseph Nougat (9) suggests that we:

"The primitive settler community is consisted of a group of peasants uprooted warrior, grouped links fellowship in the service of arms and precariously linked to the place where they reside. "

But there were also merchants and carriers, farmers and shipwrights, Jewish priests and lenders, very diverse origin and all of them attracted by expectations lighthouse south. In fact, in 1260 a couple of entrepreneurs Occitan built the Mill Rock, current mill in Gomar, and spoke admiringly of which Escolano and VICIANA.

Even so, bocairentina many Ontinyent and Biar and then marched to repopulate the city government of Orihuela, to the point that King Peter the Great had to make another repopulation of Bocairent. In any case, Bocairent was among 12 royal towns of the kingdom of Valencia.

The economy of the town was based on the cultivation of cereals and livestock an important mountain, although there were millers, pottery and royal saltworks. Despite the abundance of water irrigated cropland were minimal, for that, the 1446, Bocairent bought the site bathtubs "made the union and this incorporation, Bathtubs and will Bocayrén hun hun body and out "and built the dam on December Rec Major derived Vinalopó. The 1457, Bocairent bought Alfafara, Moorish village. According to Soler Ferre (10):

"Bocairent cabanyers the-Baths, between large and small were about 60 and forming a community pasture, altogether 18.000 sheep (…) (fusion) in one community or communal pastures and common land for firewood last until 1852 (…) The benefit of farmers growing seriously damage the mountain, then losing much of the native oak species and animals such as wolves and deer.

From the fifteenth century, Bocairent much as the rest of the Mountains, the big business was the manufacture and marketing of tea land, woolen fabric. The key figure was Paraire. The number of trades, raw materials and devices involved in was huge and neighboring regions. Bocairent would remain as a place of wool (manufacturers), while mall would Cocentaina, in other words that is, drapers (carriers).

The bocairentina good now specialized in the production of blankets and blankets, which has lasted until today, hence the nickname "carders". The business will be controlled by the same lines since the time of the conquest until very recently. the Calatayud, Ferre, Sempere, Cerda, Marco, Bottle, Olzina, Candle, Molina, Garrigós, Eiximeno, Antolí and wealthy Máiques -llauradors, livestock and wool- control the levers of power and control of municipal mills and furnaces, to become a true local oligarchy. The Duties of cloth Valleys, Cloth Cutting, was also in the hands of these bocairentina.

It is interesting that the division headquarters is in the country for the collection of this tax. (11) Regarding the Valencian Central Regions, The barracks were either six: Safor, including the valleys of Pego; County; Albaida Valley including the channel Bocairent and Biar valley; Coast, including the Canal de Navarrés; Alcoyano, with foie Castalla and Jijona; Marines and, High i Low.

The wealth of the wool of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, although it was not high quality had a good market, resulted in urban improvements, and driving the water to the square of the Om, the demolition of the Palace to build the new church, bridge construction behind Villa (the largest high of segons reyno Viciana). The 1456 hires Joan Reixach the altarpiece of Saint Michael, whose only other, exhibited at the MNAC, a Barcelona, Table Saint Margaret.

The 1587 is mentioned for the first time the Royal Cloth Factory Bocairent. The towns of Alcoy and Bocairent and become the first two major industrial centers of the cloth. The difficult mountainous terrain and agriculture, the abundance of water, currents and major jumps, allowed, without big investments, build mills and enable industry. Besides, being Alcoy and Bocairent royal towns, the obstacles they had to feudal patterns.

Towards the end of the century trade ice is becoming a lucrative business. The gel was carried Mariola daily Xàtiva or Gandia.

Charles V granted him the right to a fair market in September and every Tuesday of the year for their allegiance during the masquerade Germanies.

In 1609 there was the expulsion of the Moors. Bocairent 3 captains, 564 soldiers 387 harquebuses were concentrated in Alcoy to go to capture sollevats Laguar. Some parents choose to let the younger children at the hands of Christians previously marked with the hope of returning. Were adopted only in Bocairent 11 morisquets, Ontinyent 41 (12).

"The widow of Thomas Belda, and per she Jaume Belda, expresses arguazil said Franscisco Palace, morisqueta a natural Millena, named Hieron, age of fourteen, broken color, ab and who emerged the big eyes, ab a picket wound in the auction of the saddle and left another in the middle of the front along the hair, baptized in this town "

As a result of the expulsion, during the seventeenth century there was a major restructuring of the agricultural properties. Alfafara and remained uninhabited Muro. Many properties widened and made more profitable. The drapery, upset because the market was inside the expulsion and left many people without income. On the other hand, taking advantage of the poor economic situation of the monarchy, Bathroom 1628 and in Alfafara 1632, includes the right to its municipal autonomy. Hence born on lawsuits and out on the water from bathtubs Bocairent.

In the War of Succession Bocairent was declared austracista while Bathtubs declared Bourbon. In mid-August 1707 the town of Bocairent still resisted the Franco-Spanish siege. After:

“(Bocairent) it was ruined his term, looted and burned their homes and farmhouses, havia quanto taking it to Bañeres villa .... The main government officials said Bocayrente villa were taken prisoners by these troops Barcelona, and long they remained in the castle Monjui "

Towards the end of the eighteenth century there was a clear economic expansion. The agricultural production is cereal but begin to have other important products such as wine, oil and fruits and vegetables. Alcavons are to reach groundwater. But the main resource of the town remain the industry, i Cavanilles (13) is explicit:

“(villa) whose streets are generally uncomfortable fast slopes é, some like stairs: with frequency are abundant sources, solid buildings, and a multitude of people employed in factories without distinction of sex or edat. Bocayrént must be counted among the main towns of the second order if only the number you look for neighbors, which undoubtedly pass from 1300; but it is considering its agricultural industry and its factories, It deserves to be the second of the Reyno, the first being indisputably Alcoy. Wool mills, that from time immemorial have been the nerve and source of wealth of that industrious people, They have been improving on, and in recent years they have increased so, which they seem to arrive at most about the number of neighbors, whose arms are occupation, and even very many of the peoples of the region. They are found currents 5 dyes, 6 batanes, 3 presses, 130 bayetones looms and cloths, and more of 30 for paintings, tapes, bedcovers and Faxas; téxense them annually over 100000 bayetones rods or cloths, 10000 canvases, and thus share in the other articles; and not sufficing a 1500 pounds of wool yielding cattle of the people, They seek and bring Avila, Segovia and elsewhere, to which the manufactured after return, pocketing the profit transportation and factory. There is also a white paper mill, foap factory, another brandy, which produces 10000 arrobas, and several of espadrilles hemp and Esparto "

In those years the production of rags benefits of market opening by the colonial port of Alicante. The cloths had to exit the lands of the Crown of Aragon, cloths were sold in Castile, Andalusia and America. The coat of arms of the city was a quality marxamo. Employers stronger, Belda as, American markets selling imported colonial products, then distributed by Country. Teachers wool controlled manufacturing process more 500 Workers people: weavers, Abaixadors, premsadors, etc., and employed carders and spinners Alfafara, sour, bathtubs, Let, el Campet, Gorge, Clever.

It also appears that time the paper industry, given its similarity in the manufacturing process. If the first paper mill is 1781, the early nineteenth century already be 4 the mills and the other out 2 Whatever the ravine. For its part the ice industry continue consolidating. The majority of the caves would Mariola property setabenses.

Percentage of workforce engaged in the textile industry:

population / Any / % / Any / %

Bocairent: 1730 / 50 / 1787 / 49
Alcoy: 1730 / 31 / 1782 / 63,4
Ontinyent: 1735 / 20 / 1784 / 23,2

This economic growth was in 1792 Bocairent population had reached its record population 5.100 people requiring an extensive network of running water which was built in 1793.

In the late eighteenth, Bocairent had formed a liberal bourgeoisie, industrial and commercial character of capitalist. From the time of the Il • Illustration, Cavanilles friend was the Mayans and Josep bocairentí- Joaquim Castelló i Ferre escrigué Description of the Kingdom of Valencia by corregimientos. The Liberals elected to the Cortes of Cadiz.

The nineteenth century was of economic stagnation. If Cavanilles spoke 500 textile workers, the 1.826 were either only 269. War French, the loss of the colonies and competition from cotton blankets and English, highlights the structural problems of the wool industry in the triangle-Bocairent-Alcoy Enguera. The need to diversify risks facilitate the growth of the paper industry since the second half of the nineteenth century.

A positive for the textile was using blankets as apparel. Bocairent is known as the town of blankets, but it was technologically backward. The reasons explaining the Soler Ferre (15):

"The Bocairent were always one step behind Alcoy, in innovation. Here, the personal relationship between workers and wool was more home: more impersonal and less union in Alcoy (…) Neither the employer more modern and liberal Bocairent -the Baron de Casanova- (Francisco Belda and Plan), dare to buy mechanical devices. (…) While alcoyanos not be frightened, Bocairent loss of jobs producing machines, was well exploited by carlists, royalist and absolutist, closely linked to the church.

Here, carders allied with the laborers for farms, the poor wool (…) and found support from more conservative sectors of society. (…) This explains the rapid transition from a constitutional Bocairent, -that of liberal unanimous 1813- -that of another Bocairent 1833- conflict, manufacturers liberal Carlist enyoradissos moderation process against the old regime and the feudal guild system.

The social and labor conflict, political and ideological was served (….) rebolicat Bocairent and the soldiers of the first war Carlina (1833-39) stagnated for years: blankets dress hid too blunderbusses to consider radical reforms and deep ".

So, Alcoy while the labor movement he consolidated his was the state of the AIT- and workers' rights achieved important, Bocairent controlled by very conservative bourgeoisie, a church and a very influential Guilds articulating a social life outside what happened to the economic and social, did succeed a paternalistic model of Catholic workshop. Lack of innovation and mechanization with SUPL sessions 10 i 12 hours and using a lot of hand women and children. It was not until 1898 Bocairent that was created the Society of Mutual Aid (but where it was forbidden to talk politics). The machines would be coming very slowly towards the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. On the other hand, the loss of its territory and localism practiced suicide, limit the ability of the city and its surroundings gradually isolate.

For many people the living conditions were miserable. The food was based on "Corn and Rye, many vegetables, Salting inferior, little oil and rarely wheat bread, meat and wine ", and despotism was the agenda, as well as smugglers and bandits, many of them are chiefs of their own. As a sign of the level of repression that could be reached during Ominous Decade Soler Ferre (15) are very eloquent.

"The murder of those who had been commander of realistic Bautista Belda and his wife Maria Bernàcer, l’any 1829. A killer, Manuel Monerris (…) he condemned to death copy: dragged by the people in the square aforcat Olm, the executioner cut off his head, rub in a boiler and hung in a cage in the Plaça Reial or Jail ".

Carline conservative city under the figure of the Marquis de Cabra, a Belda assigned to the most rancid Spain Restoration, would be immersed in the spirit regimentation order to ensure, respect and decency in all areas of public life. In the late nineteenth century are regulations: Manufacturers society, Moors and Christians, Board, festivities, Ordinances of the City, etc.

By the late nineteenth and early twentieth s'afonà livestock, but agriculture was consolidated, especially thanks to the wine and spirits. • While thread loxera raged across Europe in Bocairent lived a great expansion of the vine. But in the twentieth century the town remain demographically stagnant, • loxera the thread finish devouring the vineyards, many farmers migrate to France. To grip 1918-20, the cucaratxa, There will have a major impact, and industrial growth of the Great War, years of autarky and the years 70, not offset downturns years 20 and the Spanish Civil War.

Bocairent continue investing in specialization cheap products and compete in track costs and overexploitation of labor, many children in 6 i 7 years. The impoverishment of the Spanish market, especially the Andalusian, lack of good communications to carry raw materials and delays in the production process innovation adjunct to this strategy increasingly move away from the most active cities. Al 1909, Bocairent had almost uniquely specialized in blankets and blankets. Mantes 5, 6 The 8 stripes for military or travel. worked 600 people and made 80.000 units.

Arrival Great War was spectacular export blankets, multiplying 6 production. but in 1922, strong European production recovered ended the cycle of expansion and led to the first strike, of the Beneyto, the 1922. But while in Alcoy had reached the day 48 hours per week, Bocairent is fighting for a 60 hours per week.

The civil war and the so-called war economy allowed to make large investments in plant and machinery industry • Bocairent explains the postwar boom. Autarchy also facilitated the expansion of the market for blankets and blankets of low or medium quality. years 60 you get a strong expansion of the textile northern part of the Vall d'Albaida, by County, for Alcoyano and valleys Mariola. Had consolidated the textile industrial district.

Bocairent no longer able to compete with these new cities with modern facilities • facility and better communicated (improving road Ontinyent-Villena not occur until 1995). The economic crisis of the late 70, the introduction of heating in homes, the emergence of new substitute products such as quilts, and above, • obsolescence of many installed facilities, forced to close major brands. Many workers march to bathrooms and other locations. Despite this, the 1981 although the workforce was engaged in the textile 72,1%, with great economy and the beginnings of a diversification of production. Salvador Puerto note that:

"The crisis in the textile years years 80, makes you disassemble the church trio-business-political power. This crisis led to the disappearance of many companies of the Royal Textile Factory that made the Brotherhood of the Rose (or manufacturers) as Beneyto, Vain; Castellon, Ferre Master. The mentality of these people was already obsolete. Some of its members organized around Pepe Juan, Mayor Franco, attached to the fact that hinder the creation of new businesses in the town to avoid competition for existing, This has further exacerbated the crisis. At first the workers took the initiative and created industrial cooperatives, Initiatives beautiful and enthusiastic but that came to be consolidated in time. Now it only remains Belan-Mar.

Bocairent desindustrialitzat but not because it is a nation of entrepreneurs create companies always. Here is an industrial culture and mentality of many generations of work that does not exist elsewhere. There are women earning wages in the warehouse of oranges and men in the bar many days are becoming cassalles. It is impossible here.

Here, during the dictatorship, Women worked until they married. The maidens did all his life. Currently women are fully incorporated into the workplace. The counterpoint of small towns industrialized, as bathtubs or Bocairent, respect of the towns shopping here is that employers have a lot of power, are what give or take off work. On the coast and in agricultural towns people manifested freer social and political behavior.

The production structure of Bocairent has changed substantially in this century. The town remains mainly industrial, but the services sector and the professions represent 45% of the active population and agriculture has become a residual activity.

There are currently 138 industrial activities, of which 69,6% industries are, with a majority of manufacturing, 77 companies and 30,4% are building. The textile remains majority, but has diversified into plastic, • carpentry and metal frame aluminum. In the textile industry recorded an orientation mattresses and quilts.

Bocairent industry began the river Cantal Fos, after, with the arrival of electricity traveled in the new part of the town-the old factories are now Massets festive because it is difficult to assign them to another activity, as has happened in Alcoi-. They are currently in the Industrial, of 290.519 m2, built on the other side of the river towards Bathtubs (there is another polygon, small, of 37.037 m2). Salvador, knowledgeable us complete information:

"In the industrial estate between Reagdiu 30-40% • the plots are empty. Factories moved to the estate, They make a great economic investment descapitalitzà some companies and caused its closure.

Companies with greater economic weight and ability to contract labor are: employers are spinning off Bocairent Aznar, Nudisco Center (distribution center preserves) i Hoco, aluminum; companies are major town: Euromoda (sheets and bedspreads for textile), Helioprim (bags for infusions) and PROFILE 10 making PVC joinery. With the housing crisis companies are making an effort to find other emerging markets. "

In the period 2007-12 Bocairent has lost 10,7% industrial activities. The crisis has tripled the number of unemployed: industry 44,2%; services 41,36% and construction 9%. Since the last century the population between the ranges • 4.500 and the 5.500 inhabitants, with 4% of foreign.

Although we know that healthy austerity own mentality makes the industrial commercial sector be much smaller here than to coast, Bocairent long ago is not the center of attraction shopping Valleys.

Wholesale activities there have 15, half of textiles and clothing. It should be emphasized that during the crisis the sector has increased 7,7%. The activities are retail 51. With the crisis have disappeared 42%. The sector is concentrated in the small traditional shops only 2 supermarkets. The commercial area is 7.240 m2 (almost as many baths), half are in power.

The tourism sector in recent years has had a very interesting development. Despite the strong seasonality: weekends and visitors passing through the region, mainly students and foreign trips in own car. They would like to follow the model of Morella but it is still too unknown destination between Valencia and coastal tourism comes very precariously. It has a dynamic company, Saria the Tourism, which organizes cultural tours, walking and cycling; another balloon trip: Although Globo; an interpretive center and tourist.

The tourist office is an open and dynamic with very friendly people who know very well the tourist potential of the town and the region. There were I recommend reading books, food products and they immediately provide all data tourist town.

Of the 28.042 People who request information from Info-Bocairent, 22.3434 came from Valencia, 1.287 UK, 649 from Madrid, 623 of Catalonia, 470 France, 412 Murcia, 266 the Netherlands and 265 Germany. The following table looks good annual evolution.

1.057 / 1.154 / 1.536 / 5.949 / 1.540 / 889

The 31% the demands of groups and information is 69% Traveler. The vast majority of information requested is on a visit to town, also tourists interested in hiking trails, food, and to a lesser extent on rural houses.

The supply of hotels and restaurants and is 3 hotels, 10 rural houses, shelter, a campsite and camping area. Restaurants have it 3, good quality, in addition to several bars where you can eat well, and do not forget a couple of bakeries visit. Salvador qualifies me:

"A few years ago the old empty houses began to be bought by outsiders, English-city of Valencia and basically, which led to a revaluation of homes, but as people have been taking most have abandoned them slowly. They find it very painful to live in a place with such difficult access and lack of services. The accessibility by car is the main handicap are the few inhabitants of the historic center and those who would like to develop a tourist business ".

It is true that the city is going to invest heavily in historic preservation dl, cobbled streets and well-kept making the visit very rewarding, but also note a lack comprehensive development plan. The old town is empty and the danger of damage is considerable. Until now they have spent a lot of public money to resolve specific issues but accessibility.

fortunately, or rather, thanks to the mobilization coordinator NO-GOLF, achieved cripple a development plan which provided 2.000 houses around a golf course Mariola. This danger of destruction of the territory polarized citizen action to achieve the declaration of the Mariola Natural Park. 5.831,06 Ha Park are out of Bocairent.

Puerto Salvador speaks highly of the current mayor, Josep Vicent Ferre, Valencia progress of a sudden appeared in the lists of PSPV. A person highly respected by a broad-based social and cultural. Let's see what the data tell us of the City:

The budget per 725,85 € has been reduced in this legislature a 30% respect de l'previously. The outstanding debt per inhabitant, on the other hand, has doubled to reach the acceptable amount of 436,67 €.

Real investments have also fallen 30% compared to the previous legislature, but have always been very modest, the 3,77% budget revenues. The staff costs are continuing to grow and, although moderately, it becomes a very important cargo, the 47% revenue. A drop of 17% personnel expenses would save the equivalent to triple investment budget.

All the artificiality of soil occurred between 90 and the first years of this century, 112,07 He has, that meant 136% artificialized existing soil. A report by the planning department says:

"The whole land is urbanized and urbanizing. For information purposes it is considered that the needs of industrial land for urban development needs in the medium and long term there are broadly covers ".

Bocairent has 1.795 first homes, 158 Secondary 660 hollow. According to the PGOU, has three residential sectors for a total of developable 114.000 m2 and two industrial sector, one of 290.519 m2 and the other 37.037 m2.

Walking with the Savior we have come to Puerto Portal August of ancient wall. We left the bridge back. Father Hilary continue street, • Policy making ring, and came to the cellar San Blas. Worth and get access inside the well by a circular staircase. From the top you can see all the Cava ravine Cast, the old road to the Pou Clar Ontinyent, and where there are the old mills that originated cloth industry. In a vertical wall, covetes famous Colomer, on the other side of the ravine and left, the tortuous path that leads to Calvary top of the mountain where there is the monastery of Santo Cristo.

“L’any 1536 Two pilgrims approached the village residents suggested the construction of a temple on top of the mountain. The people took to the crazy. A little later began to appear at night 3 lights up there. Work began soon. In Bocairent still celebrated the feast of the three lights.

Faced with the monastery was built a convent beat inmates or sandwich. There were many young bocairentina sandwich for almost a century. After the monastery reached the Camorra Plan, which took place in 1873 a battle in the last war and won by Carline Constitutionalist Brigadier Weyler, Here you call the Butcher. Died in battle 29 constitucionalistes i 149 Carlists ".

Take the way up to the old town along the gorge. In front there are ships abandoned former industrial area, factories members of the Royal Textile Factory, now derelict and uncertain future, except for the use that give the Moors and Christians fiesta

"The origin of the festival is the conversion, in 1859, trabucaires festive parades paramilitary held by San Blas. Liberals rallied in the company Tomasinas; absolutist come together under the name Musketeers. Then appeared the Old Moors; the Basque (traditionalists), which is divided in at Granaders Queen (moderate) and Catalans (carlists extremists); i 1867 Zuavos the Pope (Pope advocates against Garibaldi) dress uniform Carlí). Most of the lines are very conservative and it is very difficult to introduce innovations and the full inclusion of women-which has been aconseguit- Bocairent. As an example, say that Muslims and Christians are bound to draw the saints under penalty Easter ".

And speaking of Carlists and the Church must remember that the textile entrepreneurs, during the Counter organized in Guilds, Roser (1.569) and Minerva (1579). Shows the close relationship of church and economic power.

"The holidays are dedicated to San Blas, but the town's patron was St. James. People had a lot of devotion to San Blas for his intervention in the epidemic garrotillo (evil collar). When the seventeenth century archbishop ordered that each town should be under the patronage of a saint, the jury decided to choose it for balloting, so from 1632 Blaise is the patron saint and the people celebrated the election with the so-called Night of boxes. "

Recently referendum and all the people, with the 62% participation, has decided to spend the weekend village festivals. The PP was against, but the 62% of the voters decided to change the dates ".

Salvador told me that dance Muhammad Bocairent, and the Dance of Spies Biar, have their origin in aguaitadors that James II was put to the steps of border because of the war with the kingdom of Castile Murcia. For the same reason, James II created two companies involving the whole of Central Counties: "De la Rua serra (Énguera) the Vallseca (Ontinyent)”, including Vall d'Albaida and Safor; and second, Vallseca of the Fontcalda (Fontcalent), in other words that is, Mountain villages.

The struggle against despotism and hired bandits there are many anecdotes. A character has remained in the popular memory, the guerrilla Pasqual Cucala, and idiom: recapte away for Cucala.

"Conservatism and the influence of the church and its convent has been heard until very recently Bocairent. In the elections of the Republic 293 votes went to the DRV, 216 al PRP (traditional despotism), 2 the PSOE i 94 the PURA (blasquista). Gradually the Valencian Regional Right will remain dominant. The conservative women made the election campaign shouting: The Christ, No Lenin!”

We arrived at the Town Hall Square, visit the Information Office where you can buy the book History of Bocairent and I provide information and data of the town. In the same square, great, wide, slightly inclined, elongated crescent-shaped and surrounded by buildings, some Renaissance and a respectable height, We are a coffee. We talked about the beauty of the old town:

"The power is based urban Bocairent with its old town, and its historical monuments, but powerful institutional aid can not protect this heritage of all Valencians. The solution is to have a continuous plan of rehabilitation of housing for young people at a very low price or rental social, accompanied by aid for lodgings and entrepreneurs. The priority should be to repopulate the medieval town that is kept alive.

The mosque and church of thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was in the old town square, Today St. Vincent, where the saint preached and after a storm shelter uttered the famous phrase "Blessed is he who must have a amotladeta in Bocairent not die because of bad weather".

While he made some steps take advantage to visit the old town. Climb towards the church of medieval streets paved and well, passes near the archaeological museum and take advantage to enter the church that is open. The church was consecrated in 1516. originally Gothic, currently makes a balanced and elegant Baroque. The visit is fruitful, works by Juan de Juanes (who died in Bocairent unfinished altarpiece), Segrelles, Sorolla and Cali Cellini given by Juan de Ribera. I walk the streets of Vila made with many different levels that you discover here an alley, there a square well maintained, suddenly twisted Resort, there some interesting and well preserved houses. One of the most powerful urban areas of the country. Knocks me out to nice square of San Vicente, Old Town Square and here, by Batlle Street and Abbey Street, I went down and enjoying the urban. Among the new place under a baking arc Mozarabic.

Salvador Puerto ask him why this sterile localism that makes it live back to its natural valley and especially faced Mariola. He is not entirely agree:

"I think that what unifies the whole county is Mariola. Bocairent live long face in the Sierra Mariola Valley, local associations have always defended the local unit, another thing is that the political and economic power have not been so clear, but defending our natural heritage, all residents of bathtubs, Bocairent, Alfafara and Agres we fought fire or attempted attacks against the landscape. SAVE Valletta defended the highway Villena-do Muro de Alcoy, or NO-GOLF COORDINATOR, PAI will stop the font of the Rotglar of Mariola.

We, all of the Valleys, share the "wisdom of the Mariola", a very special and nothing localist Inquirer. We are the carders of wool industry of Mariola, then came to the industry of Alcoy.

Vinalopó born in Bocairent. There are ongoing lawsuits for water issues between bathtubs Bocairent. sour, Alfafara bathroom belonged to Bocairent. True relationship with Bihar is now insignificant Bocairent (People here have a reputation of being shirkers).

When the provincial division Bocairent refuses to be in Alicante, and managed to be pressed and no tail Valencia Alicante, but it makes no sense. Until recently the hospital, the unemployment office, services, etc., were in Alcoy. The buses were Bocairent- Muro-Alcoy and other Bocairent - Ontinyent, train and united us all ".

Now we walk through the streets of the Eixample, too powerful, enjoyments, well preserved, with a certain manor houses and neoclassical and modernist former owners of factories. We are close to Christmas and I must check that the fame of cakes Bocairent. We ask the baker for a Christmas candy and tells me:

"These cakes wrapped, almonds and egg yolk as we make Ontinyent, that here in Albaida, because all three of us we teach the workshop old Mora Ontinyent. You can also take candy nuns who have a long tradition. With the economic prosperity of the sixteenth century became the second female convent-off outside the town. He was the bishop of Alghero Michael Máiques who facilitated the arrival of the Augustinians. The nuns made cakes won some dinerets that are still famous, Now I have the recipes and nuns entrusted to me ".

The visit ending, Puerto Salvador has kindly spend the morning with me. We ended up talking about associations:

"The level of association is high and active. Most associations are based on the lines of Moors and Christians. In addition to the festivities is the Hiking Center and the Group of Mountain, but in recent years has lost much push. Some important initiatives have failed, Bekir and Cultural Association which had the aim of Cultural and Research Center and published 20 periodicals Bekirent. O magazine Frames, he made 4 numbers of very good quality. Associations should be noted very much alive: Mesquedones association is very active feminist in nature and lavender Valencianista, recovery approaches that our linguistic and cultural heritage, • actively work together with fellow co fringe group • Bathtubs.

We must also mention the musical associations, both Bands, dolçainers tabaleters group and the cistern, and the Cardaors, very important in the recovery of the heritage of folk dances and songs. In Bocairent associations is intrinsic to its neighbors, there are all kinds: philatelic, taurine, photography, etc, as well as a social: Alzehimer, Caritas or the Red Cross.

I would mention the festival of St. Augustine, in late August, where are the five nights of dancing in the main square where the people actively involved. I think that is the most numerous popular danced around the country ".

The tradition has a long association and Valencia. In 1932 Joan Beneyto founded the Center Valencianista Bocairent. The Hiking Center is 1963, the same year that John Carpenter urged the Rat Penat to Bocairent IV Youth Gathering of Valencia, with a performance of Raimon. The governor forbade civil and sent 3 Civil Guard regiments. From 1977 Dance Group is the carder.

"And people are important: Dimas Ferre, that the sixteenth century was minister of the Order of St. Francis of the Crown of Aragon. The 1567 Blessed Nicholas Factor founded the Order of St. Francis and to Bocairent 1936 mother Mary was preserved from their milk. Eduard Vañó, cartoonist "Roberto Alcazar and Pedrin"; and Josep Pérez Belda, adopted son Bocairent -the family was forced into exile after the war- and this year he has been awarded the Prince of Asturias Prize for social sciences. "

Let the Carline Bocairent and the challenge of industrial renewal and we go to the other side of the Sierra de Mariola, Alcoy and the foie County.


(1) Antonio Josef Cavanilles. Observations on the natural history, geography, farming, population and fruits of the Reyno of Valencia. Albatros conditions. 1981.

(2) Antonio Josef Cavanilles. Observations on the natural history, geography, farming, populations and fruits of the Reyno of Valencia. Albatros editions. 1981.

(3) Pascual Madoz. statistical and historical gazetteer of Alciante, Castellon and Valencia. Institution Alfonso the Magnanimous. 1982

(4) Vicent Berenguer. Alfred Ferre Miró. Barcella magazine number 24. February 2005

(5) Ybarra, J.A.; Santa Maria M.J.; Giner, J.M.; and Carpenter, A.. Map of areas of change and innovation in Valencia. University of Alicante. 2008

(6) Cipriano Rafael Gimeno. The Museum of the Baths of Espardenya, www.periodistasturismovalencia.es

(7) Raul Francés Sanchis. About the Corn Dance Exhibition

(8) Abel Soler and Jose Molina A. Ferre Puerto. History Bocairent. City of Bocairent 2003.

(9) Jose Abad Nougat. The formation of a feudal state. Alcoy 1245 a 1305. Col • Local History Collection. Provincial València.1992

(10) Abel Soler and Jose Molina A. Ferre Puerto. History Bocairent. City of Bocairent 2003.

(11) Muñoz Value, M Rosa. Approach to a local division through the Drap Tall (1404)

(12) Abel Soler and Jose Molina A. Ferre Puerto. History Bocairent. City of Bocairent 2003.

(13) Antonio Josef Cavanilles. Observations on the natural history, geography, farming, population and fruits of the Reyno of Valencia. Albatros conditions. 1981

(14) Abel Soler and Jose Molina A. Ferre Puerto. History Bocairent. City of Bocairent 2003.

(15) Abel Soler and Jose Molina A. Ferre Puerto. History Bocairent. City of Bocairent 2003