Body of Christ

Hallelujah, No parish fullla 2159

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* Cruz procesional y ciriales.

* faithful with wax.

* Fraternities and Associations:

+ Brotherhood of Sta. Lucy.
+ Our Hospitality. Mrs. from Lourdes.
+ Contraria de S. George.
+ Brotherhood of Sta. Ma Magdalena.
+ Brotherhood of the Heart of Jesus.
+ Brotherhood of the Holy Christ.
+ Brotherhood of Jesus Nazareno.
+ Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher.
+ Brotherhood of the Immaculate
+ Brotherhood of the Sorrowful.
+ Association of the Miraculous.

* “guests of the lord”:

+Niños y niñas de 1a Comunión. With their parents.

* Tips:

+ catechists.
+ Caritas.
+ Liturgy Team.
+ Pastoral Council.

* Characters of the Corpus:

+ caskets.
+ Caballets.
+ Farmers.
+ Moretes.
+ garlands.
+ banners.

* acolytes.

* Canopy with the Blessed.

* Authorities.

+ Music band.

The Corpus Christi procession will leave from the street of S. Jorge.
The canopy and authorities will also leave through the door of the street of S. Jorge.
The procession will end in the main square with the blessing of the Holy.