The day of the Santo Cristo

Ricardo Diaz Rabago and Verdegue

(Notes on the religious dimension of our parties)

It is the festival one of the most genuine expressions of the human being and doing. Even a "differential" made of other living things. It is a hymn to life, an explosion of vitality, one wishes and hopes emerge, a joyous celebration of achievement, achievements, victorias.
As a profoundly human act, all real feast, It carries with it all the members of man, including transcendence, its size and religious experience.
Our party, that joyfully we proclaim in its purest authenticity. One of our best legacies and the best present value, Life itself brings, vitality, history, feeling, esperanza,... religiousness.

Yes, Our party, of Bañeres, It is deeply imbued with religious feeling and the experience of our people, experience that is reflected not only in figure insigne of the pattern San Jorge, the great martyr Christian, but has multiple condensed and crystallized, rich and varied, aspects, acts and experiences of our history, of our personal and community life.

Today it brings some notes on the last day of holidays, and religious involvement, specifically the act of the Holy Christ, one of the moments of the 25 of April, quintessential landmark day for Bañeres.

In towns and ancient cultures, to the remotest vestiges, traces found, data, testimonies of the transcendent and religious sense of man, He is seeking to relate to the divine in the high, there altars raised, places of worship. Countless high and sacred mountains. In the same book of Genesis, when we talk about those ancient peoples, and plasma reflects the religious feelings and customs.

God says to Abraham: "Take your son, to which both love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on a mountain that I will show you " (Gn. 22, 2). Arrived at the scene said the servants: "Stay here with the donkey, while the boy and I will climb up: We worship God, and then return to you " (Gn. 22, 4). And he says that "when they reached the place God had told him. Abraham built an altar, He arranged the wood ... " (Gn. 22, 9). And Abraham put the name of that place "The Lord provides" and therefore still say "the mountain of the Lord provides". It begins our story of religious people on a mountain.
The people of Israel was established as a People of God on Mount Sinai. It is Moses who was with God in the mountains, who received her law (Ex. 19, 20).
The prophets announced the new Israel, the new people of God, and proclaim Pastor figure Messiah: "I myself will search for my sheep ... bring them out from among the peoples and gather you from the countries. I will bring them to their land. I will feed upon the mountains ... their pasture will be in the high mountains of Israel " (This. 34, 11-14).
And when the fullness of time comes Jesus will return this religious sense, that living the religious dimension uniting Monte-God-Salvation-Joy.
Jesus will retire to the mountain to pray, to contact his Father God countless times (Mt. 14, 23 and others). It is on a hill (the Beatitudes) which he proclaims the Constitution of the Kingdom of God: "He saw the crowds, He climbed Mt., He sat down and his disciples came to him and he began to teach ". Blessed, happy, happy ... (Mt. 5, 1 s ss).

It is in the Tabor, when it manifests as God, "It took Peter, James and John, his brother, and he led them up a high mountain alone. And he was transfigured before them " (Mt. 17, 1 y ss.). It is on a hillock, "Called" the skull ", in Hebrew "Golgot" where they crucified him ". (Jn. 19, 17-18), where we save with his death. It is from a mountain from where rising to the heavens: "That said they saw up, until a cloud hid him from their sight ". "Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem " (Mc. 1, 9-12)

Our party being a hymn to the life of man, It is including its religious dimension, a rich and dense network of religious content, I could not miss this dimension of the holy mountain -Fiesta- banquet.
Our last day of the feast, focusing on a hill three times: The shrine and worship; the banquet; the end of something and resurface the new.
Perhaps the place where is located the chapel was from ancient place of worship assumed and transformed by Christians. It is high, outside the town.
In the sixth century we find some interesting slogans Pope St. Gregory the Great said: "Do not destroy the pagan temples: consagradlos to the service of God blessing and sprinkling them with holy water. Substitute for pagan idols relics and statues of saints. The great ceremonies accompanied by sacrifices may receive a new meaning if they are associated with a Christian feast, After the religious ceremony, the faithful will kill their calves and eat a meal of thanksgiving ... " (A. Friday. World Atlas Chretien. Paris-Brussels 1959, once. 36).

As we can observe, in our party together all the elements mentioned: a temple, a cult, a meal. From where, if not the food on the mountain "l'Panda family having lunch" of the Santo Cristo? Could be, I repeat, This time of the Santo Cristo one of the deepest roots of our party, of the most primitive and primal elements. And the people and the party are uniting and bringing together ... driven by a dynamic more or less conscious but knew, acrisolando, fundiendo, endorsing all the values ​​that are proper.

A celebrating, after the recapture, a Christian holiday, a celebration of victory, configuration of a Christian people (old Moors - old Moors - new Christians; Christians- old Christians) They girded not only to sing and proclaim the glories of the great Christian martyr, Jorge Knight, but with equal solemnity, with solemn Mass, with the presence of masters and bearers, They celebrated the Mass of the Holy Christ because the final victory comes from Christ. San Jorge is a "faithful imitator of the Passion of the Lord". a Martyr. And it is that the first and last reason is the Christian celebration of Christ's victory over death, liberándonos, making free, starting a new history of man. This is the deepest reason for Christian holiday. That's why more than one anthropologist has written on the subject so fascinating, but that brings these inseparable terms, "Christians fiesta". In Bañeres we celebrate also in the unique setting of the joy of the Christian Easter.
the party is not conceivable without banquet, and the real party is inviting all, That is what the prophet Isaiah: "The Lord Almighty will give all peoples in this mountain a feast of delicacies pingües, a feast of fine wines ... that day will say: This is our God, who we hope to save us, this is the Mister, in whom we trust. exult, Let us rejoice because it has saved us. That the hand of the Lord rests on this mountain " (Is. 25, 6, 19).

He describes Jesus in the Gospel: the "kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet, He told the servants: Go out to the roads and to everyone you meet invite them to the wedding " (Mt. 22, 2 9), only required to go prom dresses.

So our party, with a feast for all, in the countryside. Only it required to be in it, be prom dress, be on holiday.
And a third and final aspect: The Santo Cristo, is a constant presence in the cross of Christ (victory over death and sin, true freedom and liberation of man) old is buried and a new world emerges.
When the effort and plays a year end, the gate is the Holy Christ that concludes a cycle and where it emerges again with the "Alca dels capitans", the scoop again something, the hope of the future of the new party.

And from there down again to the village to continue everyday life, start a new cycle, something that makes life full of the people, Party.
Yes Christians in party. Two terms that should not be separated.
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