Brotherhood of St. George

Miguel Sempere José Luis Martínez i Pont Vañó

Els autors fan una crònica de les celebracions que es van fer amb motiu del II Centenari de l’arribada de la Relíquia de Sant Jordi a Banyeres de Mariola.

They also inventory the heritage of the Brotherhood and details, especially, the recovery of the gothic chapel that was dedicated to the landlord finally.

It includes a photo essay of the II Centenary reproduce the original two plays made for the occasion: "Bathtubs two hundred years" and "Legend of St. George, Princess and the Dragon ".


first edition: 1995

Edita: Fundación José Valor

author: Miguel Martínez Sempere
i José Luis Vañó Pont

Printing and binding: Artes Gràficas Alcoy SA

No.. pages: 272

measure: 17 x 24 cm

Legal deposit: A-334-1995

Printed in Spain / European union