St. George and we Valencians

Rafael Bernie Thomas

Yes sir, St. George is in the Master, that archive historical region that covers the area of ​​the Valencian n`rodica. There is a town that holds the name of the Holy Martyr Knight Cappadocia.

It is a town built on a hill a few hundred meters , that grouped the shelter of the church terminated 1759, whose titular Santiago, it is not very spacious, spurt possesses high dome and a square bell ab art auction. Most of the streets are poorly pending, having their plans and also wide enough. It is a pleasure to be able comtemplar still many classic arched doors that recall past centuries. A street exhibits the evocative name of Delme. In the square there are some old stone arches that were part of the original church, in the place where it seems that after the inn was.

In the Muslim era in what is now the town had a Mas, located in the territory of the jurisdiction Castle Cervera, strength already 1157 Ramon Berenguer promised to, When will your power, the Order of St. John's Hospital, after it confirmed that 1171 Alfonso II of Aragon, Peter was still reiterated in the Catholic 1208, and finally James I 1233 when he was acting in Valencian lands to conquer them. But the castle is not passed to the Christian armies until that year 1233, and that is when the repeated promises were fulfilled and the hospital is possession, and then determine the extent of its territorial domain.

The Master of the Order, Hug de Folcarquier, in 1235 granted the charter, dictating the rules for all residents of the constituency Castle, name at that time was equivalent District, what a privilege of James I granted the people the power to graze cattle in terms of all the nations included in it.

But that what we behold referred, the facility had installed an oil mill •, or mill, remained within the boundaries of the town of Traiguera, FON and acquired by brothers Stephen and chipping Bononat (or Esteller) and Dominic Montereal, Knights of the royal troops, and for this reason it began dirse But the Estellers.

In 1261 bought the mill Hospital, and naturally began to intervene in its operation, establishing the rules of operation of the Spanish viceroy Amposta, as head of the Order in the province.

The dissolution of the Order of the Temple gave rise to which founded the new Order of Our Lady of Montesa, that took over all the properties of the Templars, and also, by agreement, the Hospitaller. But the result of Estellers passed since the Montesians 1319.

Mas went slowly enlarging the houses around, and aspire to stop being a village Traiguera, to independisar-se. In effect, the separation was proposed to Parliament in Monzón held in 1626, but the Military Arm, pressure of the order of Montesa, was Poos, refusing-to the soil • licitud.

But the insistence of the inhabitants of the segregation Estellers, their perseverance, gave positive results at the end, and the 28 August 1647 King Philip IV granted the Royal Privilege erection separate town.

And the 1 September 1649, confirming it disposed, the same king granted the name of St. George in the new town, corresponding to the wishes expressed by neighbors.

Protetes, lawsuits, Traiguera and procedures delayed implementation, and up 7 May 1655 It is not going eregir publicly Mas Vila. The following is appointed Justice, Juries and for the other public officials.

The "dance of St. George" is a typical dance of the town, stately and quiet, in the frequent greetings and salutations, giving it a stately character of distinction and elegance. It runs the sound of drum and flute, and involves a number of partners unlimited. The men carried the cross shots ab silk smooth the edges, White shirt, jaqueteta short collar, short black panties, white panties and esperdenyes; to bring the waist belt color, and the head cover glass high hat ab. A watch chain hanging from the bolxaca, Full clothing. Women wearing of white Bruset, large cantilevered skirt fabric chasuble, ab reflections shimmering colored shawl, ab panties and white sandals on blacklists long braided legs. Folded hair in a bun; ab jewelry adorned value, especially earrings.

The dance is very old and started dancing in the pilgrimage in fulfillment of promise is held annually on the day of the Holy Cross, 3 May, from the village to the sanctuary of Our Lady of the Fountain of Health, nestled in the municipality of Traiguera, a us 3 km. In this pilgrimage suspended in the early nineteenth century to label differences between peoples, dance then began to run in the same town of San Jorge, the 23 d'abril, it is the party.

The last general census, that of 1981, dixava the town of St. George 590 inhabitants.

The shield shows the image of the town of St. George.

The municipality has 36'67 square kilometers, is limited by elongated NE. ab Catalonia, serving her landmark dividing the river Senia. Approximately crosses the central part of the territory of O. E. River hoops, coming from the ports of Morella. Also cross the ravines and BARBIGUERA Surrac.

Most of the term is flat, although ab undulations, but the U. i el SO., around town, raised mounds where the elevation ranges • enter the 200 and the 300 meters above sea level. Head north. Palin back the geodesic 177 meters.

The National Highway No. 340, from Cadiz to Barcelona, it passes along Vinaròs, can go to St. George also derived from the N. º 232, Vinarós Vitoria and Santander, and turning around 14 km.

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Following my usual I tried Etes pages on a topic related ab Sant Jordi, but vullc year ended WORK suggesting idea: Now that extends fashion twinning between towns would not it be twinned adeaquat stocks Baths and St. George? A primer not, the prologue, could be invited to visit the Dansants bathtubs intervene in the celebrations next year.

The proposal is launched. The Council and the Commission of Moors and Christians Tene word, if it sees fit.

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